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November Soulful Quote Shared From Grace

Last month I wrote about fear…fear of failure and mistakes.

The fear of failure and mistakes can leave us feeling stressed and worried.

When we worry… we might feel the weight of the world on our shoulders, have out of control thoughts which can lead to reckless behavior because we feel responsibility to our beliefs and we end up playing the “victim”.

We can all shift our mindset from worry to peace of mind.

When we gain peace…we learn about setting priorities and we learn to prioritize ourselves first, we start being easy on ourselves by having more kind and compassionate thoughts of ourselves and others, we gain awareness of our actions by knowing we have choices and the freedom to choose that serves our highest good which leads us to empower ourselves and others.

This month I chose a quote to remind us to shift our mindset from worry to peace of mind into our lives.

“Worry less. Smile more. Listen carefully. Take responsibility. Accept what you can’t change. Embrace the lesson. Love your life.” ”


    • What weight do you feel on your shoulders and where did that weight come from? (i.e. not being able to say “no” to others, being responsible for everybody, being the go-to person, etc.)


    • What out of control thoughts do you have? What worst-case scenarios do you have playing in your mind?


    • What reckless behaviors do you have or use to distract you from your worry and stress? (i.e. binge watching, addiction to food/alcohol, social media, etc.)


    • What beliefs do you have that no longer support you? (i.e. beliefs that money is root of all evil, rich people are all pretentious and selfish, “I am unworthy”, “no one wants to listen to what I have to say since I am not some of importance”, etc.)


    • What “victim” stories do you keep telling yourself?

      A personal example of mine is this:
      I was mentally and physically abused by my mother all through my childhood. My mother told me on the day of my high school graduation that she regretted that she didn’t abort me and that she should have listened to my paternal grandmother to have an abortion because she was ashamed of me since I didn’t graduate with honors as my cousin had done the previous year.


    This was my “victim” story that I kept telling myself, but then I learned to shift my “victim” story to “hero” story to empower myself and others. My hero story is that I graduated with a master’s degree even though I wasn’t an honors student and I learned that I am tough, and I am a survivor. I learned to love myself…all the good, bad and ugly because all of these things make me who I am. I am happy and proud of myself of who I have become. I appreciate all the lessons and sacred friends who have helped me to learn and to become a better person each day.

If you are driven to start taking better care of yourself from within so you can take better care of your family and friends, then

Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.

Warm regards,
Grace CW Liu
Transition Navigator


Grace CW Liu is an expert Transition Navigator who will help you to navigate through your biggest challenges about yourself when going through your career, relationship, health, or other life transitions.

Through my programs: WORRY Eliminator, Color Code Personality, and Discover Your Sacred Gifts, I teach you how to deliberately use and navigate the program that will get you to live more of your Soul’s purpose.

As a Transition Navigator, I will help you to design, navigate, and manifest the results you want in your life with peace, happiness, ease, and grace. Together we solve your problems so that you create a whole new way of looking at life.

December Soulful Quote Shared From Grace

My October and November blogs focused on fear and worry.

Gratitude is one of the best ways to conquer fear and worry.

December is not only the last month of the year (and in this case year the 2020), it is also the month where many people are getting ready to celebrate their holidays.

One of the ways to end the month and year is to reflect and end with gratitude so we can move forward to the new year with new beginnings and a fresh start.

Although 2020 has not been a great year due to COVID-19, protests, wild fires and other natural disasters around the world; certainly we can all find something to be grateful for and focus on that so we can finish 2020 with at least one positive thought.

The quote I chose for the month of December is a reminder that we all have had some share of misfortunes but let us reflect and focus on our blessings and gratitude.

"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some."


  • What are you grateful for this year? (i.e. I am grateful that I am healthy and that my family and friends stayed healthy and safe during COVID-19, etc.)
  • What lessons did you learn this month or year? (i.e. I learned that I am resourceful, I learned to be more consistent with completing my tasks, etc.)
  • Who are you grateful to and what would you like to say to that person? (i.e. I am grateful to my husband, his sense of humor helps me to stay light-hearted and not to take things so seriously, etc.)

If you are driven to start taking better care of yourself from within so you can take better care of your family and friends, then

Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.

Warm regards,
Grace CW Liu
Transition Navigator


Grace CW Liu is an expert Transition Navigator who will help you to navigate through your biggest challenges about yourself when going through your career, relationship, health, or other life transitions.

Through my programs: WORRY Eliminator, Color Code Personality, and Discover Your Sacred Gifts, I teach you how to deliberately use and navigate the program that will get you to live more of your Soul’s purpose.

As a Transition Navigator, I will help you to design, navigate, and manifest the results you want in your life with peace, happiness, ease, and grace. Together we solve your problems so that you create a whole new way of looking at life.

August Soulful Quote Shared From Grace

August is one of my favorite months because it is my birthday month. Woohoo!

Another year older and hopefully also wiser.

August is also one of my saddest months not because it is a reminder that I am getting older, but my beloved grandmother who often shared her words of wisdom with me also had passed away on my birthday.

My grandmother frequently advised me to grab on to any opportunities and dreams that I wanted because she told me you don’t want to regret for not trying or going for it.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, your gender, what you are doing, or what stage in life you are at as long as you go for it all the way without holding back.

Since it is both my birthday month and reminder of my grandmother’s passing, I usually spend a lot of time reflecting during this month about my past and future goals.

What I accomplished or didn’t accomplish and what I want to accomplish moving on forward.

There is a great quote that reminds me of my beloved grandmother:

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

This is my birthday month which means I may be a year older, but not too old to set a new goal or dream for myself to accomplish.


  • What goals or dreams do you want to accomplish?
  • What goals or dreams did you have that weren’t achieved? Why didn’t you achieve them? (Related to age? Skills? Finances? Time? Other commitments?)
  • Why do you want to achieve your current goals or dreams?
  • What action steps have you taken or are going to take that will help you towards achieving your goals or dreams?
  • If you know what action steps to take that will help you to achieve your goals or dreams, but have not taken them yet, then what is stopping you or holding you back? What are you afraid of? What are your fears? (Fear of failure? Imperfections? Overwhelming Challenges? Etc)
  • What goals or dreams did you achieve when you managed to overcome your fears?

If you feel driven by the dreams and visions of your heart but don’t know where to start,

Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.

Warm regards,
Grace CW Liu
Transition Navigator


Grace CW Liu is an expert Transition Navigator who will help you to navigate through your biggest challenges about yourself when going through your career, relationship, health, or other life transitions.

Through my programs: WORRY Eliminator, Color Code Personality, and Discover Your Sacred Gifts, I teach you how to deliberately use and navigate the program that will get you to live more of your Soul’s purpose.

As a Transition Navigator, I will help you to design, navigate, and manifest the results you want in your life with peace, happiness, ease, and grace. Together we solve your problems so that you create a whole new way of looking at life.

September Soulful Quote Shared From Grace

A lot of things happened during my birthday month (August) which opened up a lot of old wounds.

I remembered all of my mental and physical abuse I received throughout my life from my mother.

As I reflected on those events, I thought about forgiveness.

What it really means to forgive.

I have made peace with the idea that we all make mistakes and sometimes people who hurt us either have mental health issues or they treated us by how they were treated themselves and didn’t know any better.

We have to evaluate ourselves and be truthful to our own faults and how we may have hurt others so we can forgive our mistakes and make improvements to be better for ourselves and for others (Sometimes counseling may help).

Forgiveness doesn’t mean we condone the terrible behavior or situation, but we love and care about ourselves so that we are willing to let go of the hate, anger, resentment that has festered inside of us.

We are willing to forgive so that we can free our mind, body and soul.

Dalai Lama called the people we need to forgive as our Sacred Friends because these are the people who show us our strengths that we might not know that we had.

I devote September 2020 to forgiveness.

This is the quote I chose…

“If you haven’t forgiven yourself something, how can you forgive others?”


  • Are you willing to let go of negative emotions (anger, hate, etc) and be willing to open yourself up to forgiveness?
  • Are you willing to free yourself from your own poisonous thoughts and forgive yourself for holding yourself trapped in those poisonous thoughts so that you can forgive others?
  • Who do you want or need to forgive? (Parent(s), grandparent(s), family member, friends, etc.)
  • What do you want or need to forgive? What actions do you want or need to forgive from that specific person? (Abuse from parent(s), divorce, deceptions, etc.)
  • Why do you want or need to forgive? What benefits will you receive when you forgive? (Benefits can be: Realization you are no longer victim, you survived, free yourself from anger, etc.)

If you feel driven by the dreams and visions of your heart but don’t know where to start,

Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.

Warm regards,
Grace CW Liu
Transition Navigator


Grace CW Liu is an expert Transition Navigator who will help you to navigate through your biggest challenges about yourself when going through your career, relationship, health, or other life transitions.

Through my programs: WORRY Eliminator, Color Code Personality, and Discover Your Sacred Gifts, I teach you how to deliberately use and navigate the program that will get you to live more of your Soul’s purpose.

As a Transition Navigator, I will help you to design, navigate, and manifest the results you want in your life with peace, happiness, ease, and grace. Together we solve your problems so that you create a whole new way of looking at life.

October Soulful Quote Shared From Grace

Last month I wrote about forgiveness.

For the month of October, I chose the topic of fear and mistakes as a follow up.

After choosing to forgive and to letting go of old feelings, habits, and beliefs…the fear of the new and unknown might set in.

Even though we know, deep in our hearts, it is time to let go of our old habits and beliefs that no longer serve us well.

There is a part of us that still wants to hold on because it is familiar, and it makes us feel safe as if we are wrapped up in our security blanket.

There comes a time when we must all let go and throw away our security blanket and find new habits that will serve us better.

This can create a feeling of fear because we are used to our status quo. We know what to expect even though we may not like it, but by changing our habits and beliefs we now have created a world of unknowns.

Let’s be honest, that is scary as H-E-double-L.

We have the fear of making new mistakes, repeated mistakes, and fear of failure even with the new habits and beliefs we are forming.

It is due to our fear of failure and mistakes that stop many of us from living our creative and dream life.

I know I have let the fear of failure and mistakes stop me from living my dream life, but I also know how to befriend it and see it for what it is so that I can work with it to help me to live my dream.

This month I have chosen two quotes because I feel it is really important to understand how our fears stops us from living our dream and going for what we really want in our lives.

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.”

“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.”


  • What fears do you have that are stopping you from living your dream? (i.e. public speaking, being in a large group, etc.)
  • What are your limiting beliefs that you have about yourself? Be honest. (i.e. I am unworthy, No one is interested in what I have to say, I am unlovable, etc.)
  • If your fears or your limiting beliefs didn’t exist, what would your life look like, what would you be doing? (i.e. travel around the world, skydiving, being a solopreneur/entrepreneur, etc.)
  • What do you love about yourself? (i.e. humor, dependable, generous, etc.)
  • What are your accomplishments? (i.e. bilingual, degrees, awards, etc.)
  • What are your new empowering beliefs about yourself? (i.e. I can overcome any obstacles, I have a great sense of humor, I am caring and nurturing, etc.)

If you feel driven by the dreams and visions of your heart but don’t know where to start,

Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.

Warm regards,
Grace CW Liu
Transition Navigator


Grace CW Liu is an expert Transition Navigator who will help you to navigate through your biggest challenges about yourself when going through your career, relationship, health, or other life transitions.

Through my programs: WORRY Eliminator, Color Code Personality, and Discover Your Sacred Gifts, I teach you how to deliberately use and navigate the program that will get you to live more of your Soul’s purpose.

As a Transition Navigator, I will help you to design, navigate, and manifest the results you want in your life with peace, happiness, ease, and grace. Together we solve your problems so that you create a whole new way of looking at life.

July Soulful Quote Shared From Grace

A lot of challenges have been thrown at us as a group and as individuals.

Not only do we have to continue to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, we also have to overcome racism and discrimination of people who are different from us individually or in our beliefs.

We can do this when we choose tolerance and non-judgmental thinking. When we realize that not one individual or group of people are better than another individual or group.

We practice the universal teaching that we are One; We understand and know that each of us is an individual and is unique, but we are not superior over someone else or any group. We are all needed.

When you ground yourself in this way you can navigate through peace.

This quote best reflects this:

“Get yourself grounded and you can navigate even in the stormiest roads in peace.”


• What judgmental thoughts do you have? (your thoughts towards other races, religions, ages, etc)

• Where did those judgmental thoughts come from? (parent(s), grandparents, friends, teachers?)

• Do those judgmental thoughts make you feel constricted or expanded?
(If you want to feel more expanded, then choose to let go of those thoughts, be tolerant and respectful and do activities that can keep you grounded such as journal writing, meditation, and/or spending time in nature)

• What judgments are you willing to let go?

• What grounding activities will you do to help you stay grounded, centered and calm? How often will do you the activities (once a day, once a week) and for how long (5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min)?

If you feel driven by the dreams and visions of your heart but don’t know where to start,

Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.

Warm regards,
Grace CW Liu
Transition Navigator


Grace CW Liu is an expert Transition Navigator who will help you to navigate through your biggest challenges about yourself when going through your career, relationship, health, or other life transitions.

Through my programs: WORRY Eliminator, Color Code Personality, and Discover Your Sacred Gifts, I teach you how to deliberately use and navigate the program that will get you to live more of your Soul’s purpose.

As a Transition Navigator, I will help you to design, navigate, and manifest the results you want in your life with peace, happiness, ease, and grace. Together we solve your problems so that you create a whole new way of looking at life.

June Soulful Quote Shared From Grace

We are halfway into the year. The last two to-three months have put us all in a unique situation to say the least. The majority of us had to face many challenges such as losing our jobs or business, pay cuts, or work during the pandemic with the fear of possibly catching COVID-19, or knowing someone who got sick or died from COVID-19.

Some of you may have become stronger or more creative in finding solutions to your situations or realized your potential to be leaders during the pandemic because your focus has been on what you have instead of what of you lacked or lost.

Some of you may have become aware of your inner strengths that you didn’t know you had or realized that you are more resilient than you thought possible.

I chose this quote for June 2020 because I want all of you to continue to be aware and be mindful of who you want to be and make a decision to be that person.

If you want to be the person who can get through anything and can’t be knocked down no matter what is thrown at you, then decide to be that person. You can be that person by being grateful for the things that you have.

If you want to help people to get past their struggles, then decide to be the leader who leads your tribe by teaching them strategies to overcome their struggles.

As states and countries start to open-up and stay-at-home orders slowly come to an end…this is your time to decide who you want to be moving on forward.

“The only person you are destined to become
is the person you decide to be”


  • Who do you want to be? (Leader? Author? Creator? Speaker? Someone who can overcome any challenge?)
  • What actions or decisions are you going to take that will lead you to be the person you want to become?
  • When are you going to start to implement your actions or decisions? Do you have your actions marked down on your calendar?
  • Why do you want to be that person? Why have you decided that you want to become that person?
  • What skills or support will you need in order to become the person that you want to be?

If you feel driven by the dreams and visions of your heart but don’t know where to start,

Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu

Transition Navigator



Grace CW Liu is an expert Transition Navigator who will help you to navigate through your biggest challenges about yourself when going through your career, relationship, health, or other life transitions.

Through my programs: WORRY Eliminator, Color Code Personality, and Discover Your Sacred Gifts, I teach you how to deliberately use and navigate the program that will get you to live more of your Soul’s purpose.

As a Transition Navigator, I will help you to design, navigate, and manifest the results you want in your life with peace, happiness, ease, and grace. Together we solve your problems so that you create a whole new way of looking at life.

May Soulful Quote Shared From Grace

During the month of April, 2020, the majority of us remained at home while the shelter-in-place order was in effect depending upon the state and the city you lived in.

Some shelter-in-place orders had more restrictions than others depending upon the number of COVID-19 cases that were reported in the area.

The quote I chose for May, 2020, I feel best reflects what you and I hope for this month. The hope that healthcare workers, first responders, other essential workers, and the general public continue to work together as we have been and not give up.

As the number of COVID-19 cases start to decrease and continue to decrease, we hope that there is a change in the tide and things will become better.

Aside from COVID-19, this quote is to provide feelings of inspiration and aspiration for you to never give up on whatever you it is you want because the challenges you face will work themselves out in the end.

“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn”


  • What goals do you have that you seem impossible to reach at this time because of challenges you are facing? Are you ready to quit and give up on your goals? Why or why not?
  • Has there been a time when you reached your goal because you persisted that seemed impossible to reach at that time? What was the goal that you achieved?
  • What made you keep going even though your goal seemed impossible at that time?
  • What worked out for you that you didn’t know at that time would work out, but did because of your persistence and commitment to your dream or goal?

If you feel driven by the dreams and visions of your heart but don’t know where to start,

Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu

Transition Navigator



Grace CW Liu is an expert Transition Navigator who will help you to navigate through your biggest challenges about yourself when going through your career, relationship, health, or other life transitions.

Through my programs: WORRY Eliminator, Color Code Personality, and Discover Your Sacred Gifts, I teach you how to deliberately use and navigate the program that will get you to live more of your Soul’s purpose.

As a Transition Navigator, I will help you to design, navigate, and manifest the results you want in your life with peace, happiness, ease, and grace. Together we solve your problems so that you create a whole new way of looking at life.

April Soulful Quote Shared From Grace

As you continue on your journey towards your soul discovery you may have encountered some obstacles or challenges along the way that may have caused you to lose focus and prevented you from moving forward.

Quotes are a great way to promote thoughts and feelings of what you want you in your life and to inspire you to continue on your path whether it be smooth sailing or some rough waters along the way.

This is a great quote about staying focused to keep you moving forward for April 2020:

“Through a lens of navigation, then, we can see that “keeping” isn’t about having a perfect, linear or flawless journey; keeping is about having a focus point that you want to keep moving toward.”


  • What is your focus point? What are you focusing on in your life at this moment?
  • What steps or actions are you taking that are moving you forward towards your focus?
  • In what ways are you letting fear control you from moving forward?

If you feel driven by the dreams and visions of your heart but don’t know where to start,

Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu

Transition Navigator



Grace CW Liu is an expert Transition Navigator who will help you to navigate through your biggest challenges about yourself when going through your career, relationship, health, or other life transitions.

Through my programs: WORRY Eliminator, Color Code Personality, and Discover Your Sacred Gifts, I teach you how to deliberately use and navigate the program that will get you to live more of your Soul’s purpose.

As a Transition Navigator, I will help you to design, navigate, and manifest the results you want in your life with peace, happiness, ease, and grace. Together we solve your problems so that you create a whole new way of looking at life.

March Soulful Quote Shared From Grace

As you continue your journey toward your soul discovery you might have encountered some obstacles or challenges along the way.

Quotes are a great way to promote thoughts and feelings of what you want you in your life and can inspire you to continue on your path whether it be smooth sailing or treading rough waters along the way.

This is a great quote about overcoming obstacles and challenges for March 2020:

“Out of difficulties grow miracles.”


  • What obstacles or challenges have you encountered?
  • What obstacles or challenges do you want to overcome or conquer?
  • What obstacles or challenges have you conquered?
  • What growth, lessons, and/or miracles did you experience from overcoming your difficulties, obstacles or challenges?
  • What messages or inspiration can you share with people who are experiencing the same obstacles or challenges that you experienced?

If you feel driven by the dreams and visions of your heart but don’t know where to start,

Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu

Transition Navigator



Grace CW Liu is an expert Transition Navigator who will help you to navigate through your biggest challenges about yourself when going through your career, relationship, health, or other life transitions.

Through my programs: WORRY Eliminator, Color Code Personality, and Discover Your Sacred Gifts, I teach you how to deliberately use and navigate the program that will get you to live more of your Soul’s purpose.

As a Transition Navigator, I will help you to design, navigate, and manifest the results you want in your life with peace, happiness, ease, and grace. Together we solve your problems so that you create a whole new way of looking at life.