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July HOOP With Grace

What does it meant to be a warrior when you don’t feel like one? What does it take to be a warrior? How can you become a warrior?

One of the yoga poses is called the Warrior Pose. This got me thinking, “What does it means to be a warrior?”

What does the word “warrior” mean to you?

Who do you think of when you hear the word “warrior”? Is it a superhero? A regular person who stood up for their beliefs? A person who stood up for you? Are you the ‘warrior’?

And what does a hoop have to do with being a warrior, you might ask? Good question!

There are times that as much as I try to maneuver my body and hoop (which is known as “HoopYoga”) that I don’t feel much like a warrior.

There are times that, no matter how much I try, things just don’t seem to work out. And rather than feeling like a warrior I feel more like this…

I felt like giving up. I felt defeated and say “I quit. That’s it, I’m done.”

Maybe you have felt that way as well.

The question is, how do we keep going when we want to quit and we feel so defeated?

Some people might cheer you on or you cheer yourself on, “Keep going, that’s it, you can do it!”
Some people might bully you or you bully yourself, “Come on, you can do it!”
Some people might sympathize, “I know it’s hard, but you can do it!”
Some people might say or internalize, “Keep your eyes on your prize (your dream)” to help you keep your motivation going and keep you moving forward.

Sometimes the cheering, bullying, or sympathizing may help, but it doesn’t always work.

Another question is, what stops us from feeling like, or even becoming the “warrior” that we’re meant to be?
Usually it’s fear that stops us from becoming warriors.
Which fear is it? Is it the fear of failure? Is it the fear of standing out? Standing up for up for ourselves? Is it the fear of being made fun of? Fear of conflict? Guilt? Or blame?
For some it might be just one of these fears, for some it can be a few or all of these, and for others it might be a completely different fear.

The final question, is how do we befriend our fear so we can become a warrior?
That’s a very good question.

Some people suggest befriending your fear through gratitude. When you focus on what you are grateful for you are mindful of all the good things in life and distract yourself away from your fears.

Others suggest thinking of fear as false evidence appearing to be real. Realize that fear is all in our mind and that it is not real. Fear is an illusion.

Some say turn your fear into stepping stone. Taking one small step at a time towards your dream.
Some people use this mantra to help them to take the small step, “Let your faith be bigger than your fear” which means feed your faith and starve your fear.

The moral of this story is…

It’s not easy to be a warrior, and yet there is a warrior in all of us when we choose to be the one. We choose to be the warrior when we choose to befriend our fear and let our faith to be bigger than our fear.

We have all felt like quitting or have felt defeated at one time or another. I certainly have. There are times when fear may have gotten the better of us. (Fear has certainly gotten the better of me on numerous occasions!) And yet we’ve found some way to keep going and doing what was needed to achieve our goals and dreams. I am still on my path and continuing on…


Befriend your fear when it shows up. Believe you are a warrior, and your warrior self will show up.

Here is a picture of me in my warrior pose with my hoop.

If you are driven to taking care of you and to being heard, then

Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.

Warm regards,
Grace CW Liu
Transition Navigator


Grace CW Liu is an expert Transition Navigator who will help you to navigate through your biggest challenges about yourself when going through your career, relationship, health, or other life transitions.

Through my programs: WORRY Eliminator, Color Code Personality, and Discover Your Sacred Gifts, I teach you how to deliberately use and navigate the program that will get you to live more of your Soul’s purpose.

As a Transition Navigator, I will help you to design, navigate, and manifest the results you want in your life with peace, happiness, ease, and grace. Together we solve your problems so that you create a whole new way of looking at life.

June HOOP With Grace

Do you like having fun? Do you find it easier to learn, retain information, or complete challenging or mundane tasks when you’re having fun?

We all love having fun!

Tasks appear to be easier to learn and complete when we’re having fun. The opposite is true when we aren’t. I get it. I’m all for having fun! Everything seems easier when you’re having fun.

There is a quote,

“Sadness is all work, no play.”

This is so true when learning to hula hoop.

When I am not having fun, it’s hard to be motivated to learn a new hooping trick.

This clearly looks like someone who is not having fun.

Sometimes when we’re not having fun and the tasks or activities feel more like a chore, i’s also when most of us feel like giving up or quitting altogether.

I have certainly felt that way many times when practicing a hooping trick. Especially when the trick felt more like a chore than just having fun.

I have certainly felt that way in many areas in my life apart from hooping too.

The trick I learned from practicing my hooping trick is to have fun.

Another great quote is

“Laughter is the best medicine.”

Laughter helps to release tension, so it’s okay to laugh at yourself and at your mistakes!

Sometimes I stop what I’m doing, stop my practice, and jump through the hoop as if it were a jump rope.

Sometimes I just start dancing with my hoop in any (crazy) style because it makes me smile and laugh when I’m just jumping or dancing with my hoop.

Learning and completing tasks or whatever the activities might be is always easier when you’re having fun and have a sense of enjoyment.

That is why we enjoy vacations so much and I don’t think anyone ever complained about a vacation where they had fun.

People complain about vacations when they didn’t have fun. Like if the vacation felt more like a chore because there was one big challenge after another, or it felt like work and  therefore unrelaxing.

The moral of this story is…

Have fun! When we have fun, the challenging activities or mundane tasks won’t feel like such hard work.

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I laugh at myself all the time. I can see the humor in most situations even when things don’t work out or when I make mistakes. Laughter is my stress reliever. It reminds me to have fun, and realize not everything is all bad or doom and gloom.


Laugh often. Learning, completing challenges, or finishing mundane tasks goes by faster when you’re having fun. Another quote for you before I go, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” All tasks get done before you know it when you’re having fun.

Time sure flew while I wrote this blog story. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog story as much as I enjoyed and had fun writing it!

If you are driven to taking care of you and to being heard, then

Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.

Warm regards,
Grace CW Liu
Transition Navigator


Grace CW Liu is an expert Transition Navigator who will help you to navigate through your biggest challenges about yourself when going through your career, relationship, health, or other life transitions.

Through my programs: WORRY Eliminator, Color Code Personality, and Discover Your Sacred Gifts, I teach you how to deliberately use and navigate the program that will get you to live more of your Soul’s purpose.

As a Transition Navigator, I will help you to design, navigate, and manifest the results you want in your life with peace, happiness, ease, and grace. Together we solve your problems so that you create a whole new way of looking at life.

May HOOP With Grace

Have you ever felt out of balance? Have you ever felt that your mind, body, spirit, home, or work is out of balance, and that one misstep may tip you over and make you fall? What do you do when you feel this way? What do you do to bring balance back into your life and make everything feel alright again?

We have all felt out of balance one way or another.

We have so many responsibilities and so many things we want to accomplish that it can be difficult to manage.

Sometimes it can feel like we are spinning plates on a stick and we have to constantly keep our eye on everything to make sure that all the plates keep spinning to prevent them from falling.

If we have too many plates spinning and we start to get tired to the point where we can no longer keep up, then the likelihood is that one, a few, or all of the plates will fall.

When we feel we can’t keep up, we’re out of breath, and we’re exhausted from trying so hard, that is the feeling of being out of balance.

We we’re usually already out of balance way before we start to feel it without even realizing it.

When we are out of balance, we feel like we’re tilting, and constantly trying to regain our balance. But we know that at any given time we may fall if we don’t tilt the right way to gain our balance back.

The question you might be asking yourself is, “What does balance have to do with a hoop?”

While I may use a hula hoop as a tool to help me to balance (like physically during my tree pose in yoga), I have also learned more about the meaning of the word balance.

When I feel that I am balanced I feel that the activities that I am doing are more manageable, and there is a feeling of ease and flow.

You might feel the same way; that when you are balanced you feel that activities are manageable, easy, and there is a comfortable flow that moves you along from task to task.

What can we do when we feel out of balance?

We can exercise when we feel our energy is low to bring it back up. We can journal and write down our thoughts and feelings when we feel emotionally low to empty out all of the negative thoughts and feelings to allow positive thoughts and feelings to enter. We can take time to rest such as unplugging from the devices or taking a nap. We can listen to music to uplift our spirits. These activities may help temporarily or long-term depending upon your mood and situation.

Most of the time we are out of balance because we have too many things to do that need to be completed here, there, and everywhere. We try to give our focus, time, and energy to everything and we try to make sure that it is equal throughout. We try to focus the same amount of time and energy to home, work, community, projects, etc. that we end up feeling more out of balance rather than maintaining good balance.

One of the things we can do is to focus on a fewer activities. There might be a lot of things we have to or want to get done, but focusing on a few items at a time will make things seem more manageable.

Another is to avoid thinking too far ahead. As you start to work and complete one of the tasks, don’t think too far ahead to all the other tasks that still need to be completed. It may make you feel like you’re never going to keep up.

Prioritize to do tasks so you can easily focus on one task, and complete complete it then move on to the next task that you want to complete and so on.

Sometimes focusing on the outcome or result that will be achieved may also help. You might not enjoy an activity and it might feel like a chore. This may make you feel out of balance or out of alignment. When you focus on the outcome or result that will make your heart sing it may help to bring balance and alignment back to you.

There might be some activities you want to do, but might feel too tired to complete. So don’t beat yourself up if you don’t complete a task or skip an activity because you’re not up to doing it.

Sometimes we need to get out of our head and follow our heart as to what activities we want to complete or we might want to skip for today.

Give yourself permission to not complete or to skip an activity.

So, after sharing all of this…you’re probably still wondering “what does this have to do with a hula hoop?”

As I mentioned earlier I can use my hula hoop to help me to balance as part of my physical exercise. Sometimes I am so busy that I don’t have time to hula hoop.

I might want to hula hoop, but after doing some of my other important tasks I am just too tired and don’t feel like hula hooping.

When the hula hoop is not going to make my heart sing that day I give myself permission to skip it and not to overthink it so I can be in my place of balance.

What I learned was…

Stop overthinking. One of the best ways to obtain balance is to follow your heart. Choose a few tasks (no more than three) you want to do. Focus on what you want to do and complete those tasks. Allow breaks when you feel you need it.

By choosing the tasks you are following your heart. When you do tasks because you are obligated to do them, then you are being led by your brain which can lead to imbalance due to overthinking.

When you do activities led by your heart you will feel more at balance.

The moral of this story is…

Balance comes from within by following your heart. Choose a few activities (no more than three at a time) to focus on that which comes from your heart and not your head. Give yourself permission to take breaks. Allow yourself to skip activities if it feels it is led by your head and not your heart. When something comes from your heart it won’t feel like a chore, but rather it will give off energy, flow, and the feeling of balance.

I enjoy hooping, but I give myself permission to skip it when my heart isn’t in it. I have gone days without hooping and when I feel guilty about it, I know the guilt is coming from my head and not from the heart. When I hoop with my heart, I can feel the balance and flow of my hula hooping. When I hula hoop because I should, I don’t feel the flow and I end up feeling more frustrated and imbalance with my hoop.


Follow your heart and get out of the head. Stop overthinking and follow your heart to allow the flow and balance to occur.

If you are driven to taking care of you and to being heard, then

Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.

Warm regards,
Grace CW Liu
Transition Navigator


Grace CW Liu is an expert Transition Navigator who will help you to navigate through your biggest challenges about yourself when going through your career, relationship, health, or other life transitions.

Through my programs: WORRY Eliminator, Color Code Personality, and Discover Your Sacred Gifts, I teach you how to deliberately use and navigate the program that will get you to live more of your Soul’s purpose.

As a Transition Navigator, I will help you to design, navigate, and manifest the results you want in your life with peace, happiness, ease, and grace. Together we solve your problems so that you create a whole new way of looking at life.

GraceSOULutions COMMUNICATES… Uncover Misunderstandings

Why do misunderstandings occur?

What are some ways that misunderstanding occurs in your conversations?

In what ways are you able to repair misunderstandings and gain a better understanding in your conversations?

Sometimes during your communication with other people, you are speaking, and a misunderstanding may occur.

You might have realized a misunderstanding has occurred either by the response given or someone outright stating the fact saying something like “You misunderstood what I said.”

What can you do make sure there is mutual understanding and then uncover any potential misunderstandings in your conversations?

Here are three tips that may help you to uncover misunderstandings in your communication:

Tip #1 Perception

How each person perceives the situation or how their story is different.

Tip #2 Accept and Learn from failure

Know that each person has had some experience with communication failure or misunderstandings and the best way to deal with it is to learn from it.

Tip #3 Listen

Listen to understand rather than to reply or respond quickly to what the other person has just stated.

The next time you are in a communication situation and want to be able uncover misunderstandings, just remember PALL (pronounced pal). PALL will help you to repair misunderstandings and to create more conversations filled with better understanding.


Accept & Learn


If you are driven to communicate with confidence, have your messages, be heard and understood, and repair any communication breakdown in your personal communication relationship, then you should take a look at my ebook 5 Strategies For Effective Companion Communication! Grab your free copy by signing up below:

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu
Communication Navigator


Grace CW Liu believes there is a solution to every problem including communication and conversation problems. Everyone can find the solution they seek by using the guidance of grace that is in you, with the grace of spiritual support, and Grace –me– as your Communication Navigator and support system.

My passion is to help sensitive, conflict-phobic, and introverted women have effective communication so they feel valued and heard in any conversation.

Through studying and observations, I’ve realized why communication breakdown occurs and the solutions to solving those problems. I’ve presented these solutions so that communicative partners can achieve effective communication!

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‘5 Strategies For Communication Breakthrough’

*Your information is not shared with third-parties and you can unsubscribe at any time. GraceSOULution’s goal is simply to offer you tips for better communication and repair communication barriers.