In this COMMUNICATES series you are the Main Character!
In COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After, the fourth component we’re going to explore is Mistake.
If you’re into reading or telling stories, you know that the main characters can encounter people or situations where they are being blamed for a mistake that occurred as they go through their journeys.
Encountering different people and situations isn’t always easy and so for you, as the main character you will undoubtedly encounter a situation where you are blamed for a mistake or something that occurred either by you or by someone else.
That is just a natural part of the human experience.
What do you do when you come across a situation where you blame yourself, blame others, or you’re being blamed for something?
Someone might say something like this to you: “This is your fault” or “This wouldn’t have happened if you had or hadn’t done [x,y,z…]”.
What is a good way to respond when someone makes those comments to you?
Here is a Magic Phrase that will lead to happily ever after…
Magic phrase: I apologize for _______[state the mistake, take ownership of the mistake that was made by you and not by other people] and I have learned to do_______[state the solution that you learned from the mistake] or I am going to change _____[state the specific changes you are going to make].
This magic phrase shows that you are willing to take ownership of your mistake. Be courageous and face it so a solution can be found and made rather than hiding from it and making it worse.
It shows that you are willing to change or make the necessary adjustments to improve your situation rather than keeping things at the status quo.
It’s okay to make mistakes! That’s how we learn. So take ownership, learn from it, and make the changes that will help solve the situation.
As the main character in your own story, you can choose to take ownership of your mistakes or not. Whatever you choose to do, there are consequences and results from each choice you make. Just make sure that whatever in whatever you choose that you choose wisely.
You are permitted to make mistakes and you will make many. After all, that is how you learn. Solutions are usually found after a mistake has been made. Mistakes aren’t the issues, the issues lie in how you treat your mistakes. If you treat them in a better way, this will lead you to your happily ever after.
If you’re an introverted, people pleaser, conflict-phobic person who would love to openly and confidently communicate your thoughts, feelings, and desires without the fear of arguments and criticisms so you can have your happily ever after, then click below to book your free Communication Breakthrough Session where we will discover 5 obstacles that are stopping you and One step to move you toward to living your happily ever after.
Warm regards,
Grace CW Liu
Communication Coach & Navigator