Happy 2021!
Here’s to supporting our personal growth throughout 2021!
Do you have a hobby or an activity that you dream of achieving, but have not achieved it yet?
I get how disappointing and frustrating it can be.
You see, in the back of my mind, I have always wanted to learn how to hula hoop. It looked fun and something that an uncoordinated and unathletic person like me can do.
As a kid, I tried to hula hoop, but my hoop kept falling down my waist.
I never gave it another thought throughout my life, but every now and then when I saw other people hooping, I looked at them with envy.
One day as I was window shopping, There was a sign, “Happy Hoopers”.
I went inside to inquire!
What was this all about?
A delightful woman greeted me.
There was a class for people, like me, who wanted to learn how to hula hoop and do hoop tricks with the added benefit of fitness.
Without hesitation I said, ‘sign me up.’
I signed up, bought my hoop (starter hula hoop for beginners is 40 inches in diameter), went to class, practiced at home, and this happened…
I kept dropping the hoop. It would stay on my waist for 5-10 seconds before it would fall to the floor. I picked up the hoop each time and my back was getting sore from picking up the hoop. Eventually, I got lazy and picked it up with my foot each time my hoop fell to the floor.
I kept practicing and there were days I was frustrated, not going to lie.
Until one day, this happened…
I kept dropping the hoop. It would stay on my waist for 5-10 seconds before it would fall to the floor. I picked up the hoop each time and my back was getting sore from picking up the hoop. Eventually, I got lazy and picked it up with my foot each time my hoop fell to the floor.
I kept practicing and there were days I was frustrated, not going to lie.
Until one day, this happened…

I am hooping! Yippeee!! The hoop stayed on my waist! I was so happy, my instructor was happy for me, and I was in my happy space until she said,
Now hoop in the opposite direction.
You see when it comes to hooping it is about using both parts of the brain. You have to use the right and left side of the brain for balance. I was like,
What?! I just learned how to hoop and now I must hoop the other way? Are you kidding me?!
It took me forever to be able to hula hoop. Three weeks felt like an eternity, especially when you’re constantly picking up the hoop off the floor. I listened and followed her directions, and it didn’t take long for me to hoop in the opposite direction because my body knew what it had to do from muscle memory.
You’re probably thinking so what is the point to this story or what is the lesson?
The moral of this story is…
Keep going, keep working on what you want to achieve because one day you will get there…
You will succeed!
Once you learn how to do something, you will never forget it…it’s like riding a bike.
Before you can ride a bike, you are going to fall just like my hula hoop kept falling to the ground.
Remember: Keep practicing whatever it is you want to learn to do because one day you will succeed. Once you learn and know what to do you will never forget or lose that ability or skills because it is built in like muscle memory.
If you are driven to taking care of you and to being heard, then
Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.
Warm regards,
Grace CW Liu
Transition Navigator
W: GraceSOULutions.com
Grace CW Liu is an expert Transition Navigator who will help you to navigate through your biggest challenges about yourself when going through your career, relationship, health, or other life transitions.
Through my programs: WORRY Eliminator, Color Code Personality, and Discover Your Sacred Gifts, I teach you how to deliberately use and navigate the program that will get you to live more of your Soul’s purpose.
As a Transition Navigator, I will help you to design, navigate, and manifest the results you want in your life with peace, happiness, ease, and grace. Together we solve your problems so that you create a whole new way of looking at life.