Find Your Unique Communication Style

GraceSOULutions COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After… [Styles]

[In this COMMUNICATES series just know you are the Main Character.]

In the COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After, the twelfth component we’re going to explore is Styles.

If you’re into reading or telling stories you know that the main characters have their own unique personalities and styles by the way they dress, act, and this includes communication styles too.

Encountering different people and situations isn’t always easy and so for you, as the main character you will have your own unique style and that means you have your own unique communication style.

That is just part of being human and having human experiences.

You have your own unique personality and communication style and so does everyone else.

Some people communicate through hearing, seeing, thinking, and/or sensing and touching.

Some people are fireball, nurturer, diplomatic, and/or humorous communicator.

In some situations, someone’s personality may not go well with your personality, the same can happen with communication style.

Someone’s communication style may not go well with your personality and communication style.

What do you do when a person’s communication style doesn’t go well your personality and communication style?

Magic phrases that will lead to happily ever after…

December - Feature - Style Thumbnail


Magic phrase: In your mind, acknowledge It’s cool that we all have our own unique communication style, and appreciate each communication style. You can say something like “I appreciate your unique communication style.”

You don’t need to explain any further. You realize that everyone has his or her own unique personality and communication style. Everyone has his or her own personality and not every personality gets along and the same thing can be said with communication styles.

As a main character in your story, you can embrace the differences and appreciate the person for being he or she is just like you’re being who you are, so thank the person for helping you to grow and become a better version of yourself through your communication that lead you to your happily ever after.

GraceSOULutions COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After… [Energy of Words]

[In this COMMUNICATES series just know you are the Main Character.]

In the COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After, the eleventh component we’re going to explore is Energy Of Words.

If you’re into reading or telling stories you know that the main characters can say words that can either uplift or trigger the main characters and other characters in the stories.

Encountering different people and situations isn’t always easy and so for you, as the main character you will undoubtedly say words that might either uplift or trigger people the wrong way by what you said.

That is just part of being human and having human experiences.

Words in general are neutral, but based upon your feelings and experiences some words can either uplift or trigger you.

What do you do when a word that was said triggered you the wrong way?

Here’s an example to illustrate my point, the word decision and choice both mean the same thing. However, you might feel that the word choice feels more open and expansive while the word decision may feel more constricting and final because you’re thinking about making the final decision.

When you make the final decision, it might mean never turning back and leading you to think what happens if I make the wrong decision and I can’t turn back. I can’t undo the decision I made.

When you use the word choice you may feel more open because it doesn’t matter if you make the wrong choice, after all there are more choices, you can choose from. If one doesn’t work out, you can still have other choices you can choose from.

Magic phrases that will lead to happily ever after…

November - Feature - Energy of Words Thumbnail


Magic phrase: Words that trigger you or make you feel stuck, replace them with words that resonate and align with you.

In the illustration I provided, you would replace the word ‘decide’ or ‘decision’ with the word ‘choice’ to help uplift you and empower rather than making you feel stuck.

If the word ‘choice’ feels too open leaving you not knowing which one to choose and you’re stuck with too many choices and indecision, then find a different word that will uplift you so you can make move forward.

It’s all about finding and using the words when you speak or replacing it with words you hear that will uplift you, you’re not triggered, and it doesn’t feel hard or difficult.

As a main character in your story, you can replace words that you hear that may trigger you with words that uplift and empower you that will lead you to your happily ever after.

GraceSOULutions COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After… [Tone of Voice]

[In this COMMUNICATES series just know you are the Main Character.]

In the COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After, the tenth component we’re going to explore is Tone Of Voice.

If you’re into reading or telling stories you know that the main characters can encounter situations where they used the wrong tone of voice or the person used the wrong tone of voice with the main characters as they go through their journey.

Encountering different people and situations isn’t always easy and so for you, as the main character you will undoubtedly cause an issue with someone or someone caused an issue with you by using or having the wrong tone of voice.

That is just part of being human and having human experiences.

What do you do when someone perceived you’ve used the wrong tone of voice or you perceive the person to use the wrong tone of voice with you?

You know the wrong tone of voice was used because you hear comments such as “Don’t use that tone of voice with me” or “I don’t like or appreciate that tone of voice you’re using” or “I found your tone of voice to be offensive.”

Magic phrases that will lead to happily ever after…

October - Feature - Tone of Voice - What did my tone of voice sound like...


Magic phrase (if you used the wrong tone of voice): What did my tone of voice sound like to you? Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I will be more attentive to the tone of voice I’m using.
Magic phrase (if someone used the wrong tone of voice with you): I feel your tone of voice may not have matched the intention in your message you shared.

Tone of voice can be subjective and while you might have thought your tone of voice was okay, the other person didn’t perceive it that way. It doesn’t matter if you agree or not with the perceptions.
You’re asking for clarification so you can modify, thanking the person to bring awareness to you, so you can pay attention to your tone of voice and continue to have a constructive conversation.
When you perceive the person’s tone of voice as being a certain way not to your liking you can give the person the benefit of the doubt that he or she didn’t mean to use that tone of voice in that way.
You can clearly state it by reinforcing the person’s intention and the tone of voice didn’t seem to match the person’s intention.

As a main character in your story, tone of voice can be subjective, and you don’t have to agree or disagree with the person’s perception when it comes to the tone of voice. You can choose how you want to address the tone of voice and when you address it well, this can lead you to your happily ever after.

GraceSOULutions COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After… [Active Listening]

[In this COMMUNICATES series just know you are the Main Character.]

In the nineth component of COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After, we’re going to explore Active Listening.

If you’re into reading or telling stories you know that main characters have situations where listening becomes important. Main characters may have to listen to themselves or others along the way as they go through their journey.

Encountering different people and situations isn’t always easy and so for you, as the main character, you will undoubtedly encounter a person or situation where listening (and we’re talking about active listening) becomes important.

That is just part of being human and the overall human experience.

What do you do when you come across a situation where a person might say to you, “You’re not listening” or “You didn’t listen to what I said”?

Practice Active Listening              

Magic phrases that will lead to happily ever after…

Active Listening - I heard you say...

Magic phrase:
Repeat back everything the person says by saying “I heard you say ______ (list everything that the person said in his or her own words).

Make sure you have the person’s attention by calling the person’s name and make eye contact so that you know, both you and the other person are ready to listen to what you or they have to share.

As a main character in your story, when you choose to practice active listening, this will lead you to your happily ever after.


If you’re an introverted, people pleaser, conflict-phobic person who would love to openly and confidently communicate your thoughts, feelings, and desires without the fear of arguments and criticisms so you can have your happily ever after, then click below to book your free Communication Breakthrough Session where we will discover 5 obstacles that are stopping you and One step to move you toward to living your happily ever after.

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu
Communication Coach & Navigator

GraceSOULutions COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After… [Complaints]

[In this COMMUNICATES series just know you are the Main Character.] 

In the eighth part of COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After, we’re going to explore Complaints.

If you’re into reading or telling stories you know that the main characters can encounter people or situations to complain about or the people, go to the main characters to complain about a person or situation as they go through their journey.

Encountering different people and situations isn’t always easy and so for you, as the main character you will undoubtedly encounter a person or situation that you want to complain about, or a person or group of people come to you constantly to complain about someone or something.

That is just part of being human and having human experiences.

What do you do when you come across a situation where you’re constantly complaining, or people constantly come to you to complain about someone or something?

Magic phrases that will lead to happily ever after…

August - Feature - Complaints - I feel frustrated about...


Magic phrase (if you’re the complainer):

I feel frustrated or disappointed with or about _______
(state the person or situation that is frustrating you)

What are some things I can do to improve the situation?
(make a list of what you can do to make it better such as changing your attitude, limiting contact with person, ignore the other person’s behaviors, offer suggestions to improve situation if appropriate, and so forth.)

Magic phrase (if person or people come to complain to you):

I hear your frustration about_____
(repeat back the person’s list of complaints).

What do you think you can do to improve the situation or situation with the person?
(This allows the person to think about what he or she can do to allow him or her feel empowered rather than disempowered and so he or she start to think about finding solutions to his or her own problems rather than coming to you with complaints all the time.)

You acknowledge the feeling of your own frustrations, and you also think about ways to come up with solutions to problems so that you find less things to complain about.

Complaining doesn’t help you to find solutions, it just makes you wallow in your suffering.

Solutions help to end your suffering.

When someone complains to you to constantly complain about someone or situation you show that you’re listening to that person by listing all of the person’s complaints; however, you’re going to empower the person to come up with his or her own solutions by allowing him or her think about the changes he or she can make.

As a main character in your story, you can choose to wallow in your complaints and/or listen to other people’s complaints or you can choose to empower yourself and others by finding solutions that will solve your problems to eliminate the need to complain, and this will lead you to your happily ever after.

If you’re an introverted, people pleaser, conflict-phobic person who would love to openly and confidently communicate your thoughts, feelings, and desires without the fear of arguments and criticisms so you can have your happily ever after, then click below to book your free Communication Breakthrough Session where we will discover 5 obstacles that are stopping you and One step to move you toward to living your happily ever after.

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu
Communication Coach & Navigator

GraceSOULutions COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After… [Not Funny]

[In this COMMUNICATES series just know you are the Main Character.]

In the COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After, the sixth component we’re going to explore is Not Funny.

If you’re into reading or telling stories you know that the main characters can encounter some people who try to add humor to help lighten the mood or help bleak situations (comic relief characters). Sometimes the main characters are the ones who do their best to add humor to the situations as they go through their journey.

Encountering different people and situations isn’t always easy and so you, as the main character, will undoubtedly have situations where it might be you or someone else who wants to lighten up the mood, but does so in the wrong way with an inappropriate comment or poor timing.

That is just part of the human experience.

What do you do when the attempt to lighten up the mood goes all wrong?

You know the attempt to lighten up the mood or situation goes wrong when someone says something like, “That’s not funny” or “Oh, you think this is funny? Because I don’t.”

Magic phrases that will lead to happily ever after…


June - Feature - Not Funny - That joke fell flat

Magic phrase: That joke fell flat.

It’s that simple. When someone says something that is not funny or tries to be funny, but the joke didn’t work on you because, let’s say, it felt like the person was picking on you in a mean way. Then at that point you can simply say, “that joke fell flat.”

You’re not directing the phrase at the person, rather you’re directing it at the joke not being funny and it not working for you and therefore you’re not going to give a reaction.

If the person asks you why it isn’t funny or makes comments such as “you’re being too sensitive” or “you can’t take a joke,” simply repeat the phrase “that joke fell flat” and leave it at that.

As a main character in your story, you can choose what is funny or not to you and whether what was said was a joke or an insult.

You can choose to fight back with an insult of your own or instead you can use the magic phrase when something was said was not funny.

That will lead you toward your happily ever after.

If you’re an introverted, people pleaser, conflict-phobic person who would love to openly and confidently communicate your thoughts, feelings, and desires without the fear of arguments and criticisms so you can have your happily ever after, then click below to book your free Communication Breakthrough Session where we will discover 5 obstacles that are stopping you and One step to move you toward to living your happily ever after.

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu
Communication Coach & Navigator

GraceSOULutions COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After… [Mistakes]

In this COMMUNICATES series you are the Main Character!

In COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After, the fourth component we’re going to explore is Mistake.

If you’re into reading or telling stories, you know that the main characters can encounter people or situations where they are being blamed for a mistake that occurred as they go through their journeys.

Encountering different people and situations isn’t always easy and so for you, as the main character you will undoubtedly encounter a situation where you are blamed for a mistake or something that occurred either by you or by someone else.

That is just a natural part of the human experience.

What do you do when you come across a situation where you blame yourself, blame others, or you’re being blamed for something?

Someone might say something like this to you: “This is your fault” or “This wouldn’t have happened if you had or hadn’t done [x,y,z…]”.

What is a good way to respond when someone makes those comments to you?

Here is a Magic Phrase that will lead to happily ever after…

April - Feature - Mistakes - I apologize and I have learned

Magic phrase: I apologize for _______[state the mistake, take ownership of the mistake that was made by you and not by other people] and I have learned to do_______[state the solution that you learned from the mistake] or I am going to change _____[state the specific changes you are going to make].


This magic phrase shows that you are willing to take ownership of your mistake. Be courageous and face it so a solution can be found and made rather than hiding from it and making it worse.

It shows that you are willing to change or make the necessary adjustments to improve your situation rather than keeping things at the status quo.

It’s okay to make mistakes! That’s how we learn. So take ownership, learn from it, and make the changes that will help solve the situation.

As the main character in your own story, you can choose to take ownership of your mistakes or not. Whatever you choose to do, there are consequences and results from each choice you make. Just make sure that whatever in whatever you choose that you choose wisely.

You are permitted to make mistakes and you will make many. After all, that is how you learn. Solutions are usually found after a mistake has been made. Mistakes aren’t the issues, the issues lie in how you treat your mistakes. If you treat them in a better way, this will lead you to your happily ever after.

If you’re an introverted, people pleaser, conflict-phobic person who would love to openly and confidently communicate your thoughts, feelings, and desires without the fear of arguments and criticisms so you can have your happily ever after, then click below to book your free Communication Breakthrough Session where we will discover 5 obstacles that are stopping you and One step to move you toward to living your happily ever after.

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu
Communication Coach & Navigator

GraceSOULutions COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After… [Opinion]

In this COMMUNICATES series just know you are the Main Character.

In the COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After, the next component that we’re going to explore is Opinion

If you’re into reading or telling stories you know that the main characters are given different opinions or advice that change depending upon the perspectives of different people as to what the main characters should do to overcome the obstacles that are faced during their journey.

So, what opinions or advice are you given? And do you feel obligated to listen or follow the differing opinions that are shared with you?

What do you do in situations when people say something that is viewed as an opinion or advice that you don’t agree with?

What can you say to those people who are clearly stating an opinion or offering advice, but are treating it as fact which you simply don’t agree with?

Magic phrases that will lead to happily ever after…

Thank you for sharing your opinion


Magic phrase: Thank you for sharing your opinion or advice.

Everyone is free to have their opinion and share his or her advice and you can certainly choose to agree or disagree.

By thanking the person you’re certainly not stating that you agree or disagree, you are showing you have good manners and appreciation by thanking the person for taking the time to share that opinion or advice with you.

Who knows if the opinion or advice could have been helpful or not. That’s up to you to choose whether you want to listen and believe and follow the person’s opinion, after all you’re the main character in your story.

As a main character, you get to choose your path and the opinions you want to believe, listen to, and follow that will lead you to your happily ever after.

If you’re an introverted, people pleaser, conflict-phobic person who would love to openly and confidently communicate your thoughts, feelings, and desires without the fear of arguments and criticisms so you can have your happily ever after, then click below to book your free Communication Breakthrough Session where we will discover 5 obstacles that are stopping you and One step to move you toward to living your happily ever after.

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu
Communication Coach & Navigator

GraceSOULutions COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After… [Challenge]

In this COMMUNICATES series just know you are the Main Character.

To begin the COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After we’re going to start with the first component: Challenge.

If you’re into reading or telling stories you know that the main characters in the stories all face challenges of some sort, whether it be to slay dragons, complete an impossible mission, or conquer some fear that must be faced and overcome.

So, what challenges are you facing?

How do you deal with challenges, especially the ones that come from your thoughts or the words you’re thinking and saying?

What about the people who challenge you by the way they speak to you in your conversations?

What can you do to overcome these challenges?

Magic phrases that will lead to happily ever after…

Is this thought or statement creating the future I want?

Magic phrase: Is this thought or statement creating the future I want?

A lot of times when you’re faced with a challenge you think you can’t conquer because you believe that you can’t or someone says you can’t.

However, is it the thought or statement creating the future that you want?

If not, then change the thought or statement that would create the future that you do want.

You can choose to either continue to think and say or allow others to say things that will make you stuck in a challenge or situation or you can choose to change your thoughts and statements to create the future you want.

If the other person is saying things that is not the future you want to create or what you want for the both of you, then you can say “Is this statement you’re saying what you want to create for me or for us for the future?”

Your thoughts and statements that you’re creating for your future lead you to your happily ever after.

If you’re an introverted, people pleaser, conflict-phobic person who would love to openly and confidently communicate your thoughts, feelings, and desires without the fear of arguments and criticisms so you can have your happily ever after, then click below to book your free Communication Breakthrough Session where we will discover 5 obstacles that are stopping you and One step to move you toward to living your happily ever after.

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu
Communication Coach & Navigator

GraceSOULutions COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After… [Prologue]

Prologue: The Evolution of COMMUNICATES

The COMMUNICATES series started…

In 2021, the concept of COMMUNICATES was introduced and was a prelude of what was to come. I incorporated one of my favorite past times hula hooping and used my hula hoops to introduce my idea of COMMUNICATES.

In 2022, the foundation of COMMUNICATES was laid out through the demonstration of the meaning of the word ‘COMMUNICATES’ from an energetic level by show casing the different components of COMMUNICATES. Each of the letters represented a component in the word “COMMUNICATES’ and so the word COMMUNICATES as a whole embodied each of those components.

In 2023, The focus was about implementing COMMUNICATES in your communication with one person or many others. COMMUNICATES Game was introduced to help implement ‘COMMUNICATES’ in a fun way rather than something daunting, especially when communicating with a difficult person or in a situation. If you were stuck with your communication, then treat it as a game to help you to lighten up and break through difficult communication situations.

Which leads to 2024, COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After.
I love happy endings and stories that end with ‘they lived happily ever after’.
I believe that everyone can live a happily ever after, whatever it may look like for that person.
There is a quote, “Life is short to be anything, but happy” and I truly believe that.
My mission is to help as many people as I can to live happily ever after and one of the ways to do that is through communication.
Communication is the key to unlocking relationships and to keep the door of relationships open you need to have good communication.

In 2024, the focus is on how COMMUNICATES can give you, your happily ever after. COMMUNICATES Happily Ever After introduces magical phrases that you can use when you encounter some of the situations in your daily life in your communication.
You are the main character in your story, so you get to choose whether you want to use the magical phrases that I suggested or not.
You’re free to choose to use someone else’s phrase that you might’ve heard, the phrases I suggest, or perhaps one that you come up with on your own that resonates and aligns more with your personality and who you are for that communication situation.
The important thing to remember is to communicate from your heart and intuition.
As long as you’re communicating from your heart and intuition you can’t go wrong and this will lead you to your happily ever after.

If you’re an introverted, people pleaser, conflict-phobic person who would love to openly and confidently communicate your thoughts, feelings, and desires without the fear of arguments and criticisms so you can have your happily ever after, then click below to book your free Communication Breakthrough Session where we will discover 5 obstacles that are stopping you and One step to move you toward to living your happily ever after.

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu
Communication Coach & Navigator