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GraceSOULutions COMMUNICATES… CHERISH Relationships

What does cherishing relationship mean to you in regards to communication?

What ways do you cherish relationships with the people you communicate with?

What ways do you feel the people you communicate with cherish relationship with you?

In one of the trainings I attended, there was a speaker, Jeremy Daniel, who once said,

“You are 100% responsible for your relationship.”

You might agree or disagree with this statement.

Just realize that you can choose to have a good relationship or not. So, in a way you are responsible for your relationship. If you believe that you have a choice and you have control over having a good relationship or not, then you are and can be 100% responsible for your relationship.

Being responsible for your relationship and wanting to have a good relationship because you cherish it with specific people takes work.

Anytime you have to take care of something, or someone means you have to nurture it and make sure it’s effectively taken care of.

In one of my previous blog articles, I talked about nurture feelings and tips to nurture feelings in your communication. Nurture feelings is one of the ways to cherish relationships.

You show you cherish relationships by the words you use.

Think about what words you say in your communication when you are happy, sad, anxious, angry…

Are the words kind or critical and unconstructive?

Does the conversation you have with a person often lead to arguments? Why? Is it due to the lack of nurturing and the words being said within the conversation?

You can show the people you communicate with that you cherish relationship by having more constructive communication through nurturing and word choice.

Here are five tips that you can use that might help to show that you cherish relationship through words in your communication:


Tip #1 W-Wisdom

Your words have power so use it wisely. Use your wisdom when sharing your words.

Tip #2 O-Open

Be open to listening without judgement or the need to respond or reply. Validate what the other person has said by repeating it. It doesn’t mean you agree or disagree with what they said, it just means that you listened and heard.

Tip #3 R-Responsible

You are 100% responsible for your relationship. You have a choice in the words you say and the ways you nurture your relationships.

Tip #4 D-Deliberate

Be mindful of the words that are being spoken. Know the exact words you are saying and don’t just say the words that come into your head, especially during heated arguments.

Tip #5 S-Speak

Speak to each other not at each other. Allow each person to speak and finish his or her statement so no one is interrupted. Use a timer if necessary.

The next time you are in a communication situation, and you want show that you cherish relationship in your communication, just remember WORDS.






If you are driven to communicate with confidence, have your messages, be heard and understood, and repair any communication breakdown in your personal communication relationship, then you should take a look at my ebook 5 Strategies For Effective Companion Communication! Grab your free copy by signing up below:

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu
Communication Navigator


Grace CW Liu believes there is a solution to every problem including communication and conversation problems. Everyone can find the solution they seek by using the guidance of grace that is in you, with the grace of spiritual support, and Grace –me– as your Communication Navigator and support system.

My passion is to help sensitive, conflict-phobic, and introverted women have effective communication so they feel valued and heard in any conversation.

Through studying and observations, I’ve realized why communication breakdown occurs and the solutions to solving those problems. I’ve presented these solutions so that communicative partners can achieve effective communication!

Cherish Relationships | Sensitive Communication Tips

Hi there, this is Grace and welcome to Sensitive Communication Tips.

So in this video, I am going to be sharing tips about Cherishing Relationships in your communication. Couple of months ago, I talked about nurturing feelings and your communication, that is part of cherishing relationship. However, in this video, I’m talking about being responsible in your relationship.

So a while ago, I attended a webinar and one of the speakers, his name was Jeremy Daniels, he made a statement. And he said, “You are 100% responsible for your relationship.” Now you can agree or disagree with his statement, however, I am going to invite you to agree with the statement that you are 100% responsible in your relationship in your communication towards yourself and others.

Because if you are willing to take on that you are 100% responsible in your relationship, and how you communicate. What you say can make a big difference in your relationship to yourself and others. Think about the words that you say to yourself, the thoughts that you have towards yourself, and also towards others. And if you are willing to be 100% responsible, then you– that means that you are willing to take on the task of doing all the necessary activities that will help your communication to be constructive and more in a positive learning aspect towards yourself and with others. So if you are willing to be responsible, also realize that the person that you’re speaking to, it could be another person or to a group of people, each of those people that you are speaking to, must also be willing to take on the task that they are 100% responsible for the relationship. Because if the person that you’re speaking to is not willing to take on the responsibility of that 100%– responsibility of the relationship, then you’re going to have conflict. You might be willing to meet that person halfway or be willing to compromise and do whatever it takes, because you feel you are 100% responsible in that relationship.

So, you are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that the relationship is built up. However, if the person you are speaking to or the group of people you’re speaking to, is not willing to take on the 100% responsibility in relationship, he or she or the group is not going to necessarily be willing to meet you halfway or do what it takes. Because the blaming might happen, or the person might step away, shut down.

And so, then there’s not going to be any movement, in that conversation. So if each person is willing to take on, that he or she is 100% responsible in the communication for building relationship, then each person is going to be willing to do what it takes, perhaps that’s to compromise, or being mindful of what is being said, you know, careful of the body gestures or facial expressions, whatever it might be, so that their conversation can continue to move forward in a constructive way.

So, I also like to think about cherishing relationship using the acronym WORDS. Now I’m just going to talk real quick about what each of the letters mean. And then in the next video, I’ll deep– I’ll do a little bit more of a deep dive explaining what each of those components are. So just real quick, for me, cherishing relationship is all about words.

So using the acronym WORDS, I broke down the tips to help maintain and cherish the relationship in your communication. So starting with the letter W in WORDS, W stands for wisdom. The letter O, in WORDS stands for Open, and I’ll go into more details about my meaning of the word open. And then the letter R in WORDS stands for Responsibility. Again, it means you are willing to take on that you are 100%, responsible, in the relationship. And in this case, the relationship in your communication. The letter D in WORDS stands for Deliberate. And then the letter S in WORDS stands for Speak. And again, I will go more in details about what all of these words that I just said, what they actually all mean. What wisdom means what the open the– and I talked a little bit about responsibility, what being deliberate means, and what do I mean by speak? So, be sure to check that out in a couple of weeks of the deep dive into cherishing relationship, in your communication to learn more about the acronym WORDS.

And in the meantime, if you found the tips to be helpful, and you would like to know more about how you can have effective and effortless communication in your personal communication, please feel free to visit my website, That’s To learn more about how you can book a free communication breakthrough session with me. And I look forward to seeing you here again next time.

Take care. Thank you for being here. Bye for now!

Deep Dive on Sharing Ideas | Sensitive Communication Tips

Hi there, this is Grace, and welcome to Sensitive Communication Tips. So today we’re doing a Deep Dive on Sharing Your Ideas. And then in the last video, I talked about ideas, and cultivating, you know, planning, doing all the necessary actions, whatever you can do to help to bring your idea into reality. And not all ideas are going to work. Of course, just like when you’re planting, in the last video, I talked about the sunflower.

So it’s just like when the sunflower or sometimes you can do all the necessary steps and everything but the sunflower may just not grow or grow very short. So– and that can happen with your ideas, and it may just become a reality somewhat, but then at the same time, the– some of your ideas may not become a reality at all, and that’s okay. It’s not a bad– it was not because it was due to a bad idea, or something that you could have done, or should have done better or anything like that. It’s just some ideas are not meant to be just like sometimes, plants and flowers just are not meant to grow. So, and just realize that you know just because one idea didn’t work doesn’t mean another idea won’t work, right? Another idea might come to you and then in that case that idea might become a reality. And it actually turned out to be better then what you had originally wanted the idea to work. So again, I like to view it as no idea is a bad idea or stupid idea or an idiotic idea, right?

So I gave three tips when regarding to ideas, it’s see no stupid, hear no stupid, speak no stupid, right? Because what you see is not stupid. What you hear is not stupid when what you say is not stupid. It just may not be the right idea. And it’s not because, again, it’s a stupid idea. It’s just something else may come along that’s better or some– and some other ideas may keep popping up that just doesn’t work. And but then later on you find a way to make it work.

And speaking of which, by the time you watch this video, the next day will be my husband’s birthday. So speaking about ideas, I am now thinking of ideas to celebrate my husband’s birthday. And there have been some ideas that I’ve had in the past that did not work. Now it wasn’t a stupid idea. But it just didn’t work. Given my husband’s personality and everything. So one idea that I had way back when, I took my husband to a restaurant called The Melting Pot. Now if you’ve ever been to a Melting Pot well then you know it’s like a fondue thing. And the atmosphere is nice, it’s very lovely. And– but it’s a fondue restaurant where you basically cook some of your own meal they give you a pot, you have cheese and you know oil for the for the meat and vegetables that cheeses were the bread and some of the vegetables and then the chocolate for like the dessert and stuff and you also get a salad. Well, I took my husband to the Melting Pot for a nice birthday meal and of course I paid for our meal. And you know I was working at that time as you know speech therapist in the hospital, so I was paid very well and treated my husband to the Melting Pot. Well later on down the line my husband has found the receipt for The Melting Pot and when he saw it, he’s like you we– you paid how much for this meal? It’s it he was appreciative that was a nice meal, but he goes why would you want to pay this amount of money when, you know, to cook your own food? You know we you could have easily gotten all the ingredients cooked a meal at home and we could have been could have had a nice birthday meal at home. Pay much less than going to a restaurant. But I understand and it’s not that my husband is frugal, but he’s economical. And I can understand that while he did enjoy, and we both did enjoy eating at The Melting Pot. Please understand, nothing against The Melting Pot. I would personally like to go there again. Perhaps with a group of friends, like girlfriends or what have you. Or even take my mom or something because we enjoy those type of ambience and all that stuff, where– but my husband just can’t fathom of paying that amount of money to cook your own food. So that his way of thinking now that’s his, you know, idea of you know, where money is better spent, right? So it’s not a bad idea, again, not a stupid idea. And going to The Melting Pot when I took him for, you know, a meal, I didn’t feel it was a stupid idea or bad idea. Now, some of you might say, Yeah, you know, you could have saved money, you could have gone to something, some other places that will be a far better place. And let me be a little bit cheaper or what have you.

Everybody has their own ideas, right? And the whole idea is, you might have from your own experience, someplace you would recommend or go to that might be a little bit better. Or some of you might say, Yeah, I’ve been to The Melting Pot. I’ve been there very few times, or so many times, whatever it may be, and say it’s well worth it, you know, to kind of spoil yourself, right? So everybody has that idea. And it’s all different. And that’s good. That’s what makes it interesting. Because obviously, there are some people that do enjoy going to those fondue restaurants, otherwise, there wouldn’t be any Melting Pot restaurants. Obviously, you know, some people do enjoy that. And so the people that go to experience it and have a great experience, and the people that came up with that idea, obviously are also making some profit. So what might sound like a bad idea, to one person might actually be a good idea to, to another person. So that’s why I say there are no bad ideas, no stupid ideas, right? That’s why I keep stressing about that. So again, I always come with a mindset when regarding to ideas, because it’s so individualized in some ways, that it’s all about, you know, seeing no stupid hearing no stupid and speaking, no stupid. So, I now know one idea that is not going to work to celebrate my husband’s birthday. What does work usually as having some close family or friends, to have a nice meal with them. You know, my husband can celebrate his birthday. Now, his family is obviously away in Scotland. So I’m hoping that perhaps one day, we can get onto a video call and have my husband meet and talk to his family over the video. And, of course, not as good as person to person. But at least everybody can kind of see each other. So I’ve been trying to work on that for a while. But because of the time differences and everybody’s own schedule, and everything we’ll have to see.

So anyway, so that is all about sharing ideas in communication. And again, don’t feel like you have to share your ideas, if you don’t want to with the other person. But if you do share your ideas, don’t be embarrassed by your idea. And the person– and the person who is listening to the idea. Don’t be so quick to judge whether an idea is good or bad, right? Perhaps there are some good questions, you know, that you might be thinking about. And you could certainly ask that person, you know, about certain aspects of it, that the first– than the other person may not have thought off. However, with the, you know, brainstorming, the sharing and everything. It can make the idea maybe even better, so we can make that into a reality. Again, come with a mindset of there’s no bad ideas, no stupid ideas. And when you’re hearing an idea come with a mindset of being no stupid ideas, no bad ideas, that everybody can just have this freedom of brainstorming to help each other to bring the idea hopefully into reality to benefit all.

Alright, so I hope you enjoyed today’s deep dive on sharing ideas in communication. If you have any ideas or suggestions or anything you would love to share, then please feel free to do so I only ask that you are respectful, kind and supportive. And if you would like to know more about me Here’s what I do, please feel free to visit my website at That’s so that you can book a free session strategy session with me on Communication Breakthrough to help you develop a more effective and effortless communication in your personal communication. So, thank you for being here. I look forward to seeing you here again next time. Take care. Bye for now.

Share Ideas | Sensitive Communication Tips

Hi there, this is Grace and welcome to Sensitive Communication Tips. So today’s video is all about Sharing Ideas in your communication. And as you can see, I have a sunflower on my shirt. And that’s why I’m stepping away a little bit today. And there’s a reason for that. So before I talk about or get into the tips of sharing your ideas in communication, I wanted to start with this analogy first.

So when you’re thinking about planting, in this case, a sunflower, you’re going to start off with having a seed. And you’re going to take all the necessary actions to plant the seed so that you can grow the sunflower. So you have the seed, you know, you want to grow the sunflower, so you got the sunflower seed, you planted it into nice soil, you’re watering it, you’re making sure it has enough sunlight, and then hopefully, the sunflower will then grow. Now, you know, in some situations, you might take good care of the soil, you take care of everything, you do all the necessary actions, but perhaps either the sunflower might grow short, or it might not grow at all. And in some situations, some plants and I’m not sure how fast sunflowers grow. But I know like in the case of a bamboo, it takes about five years for the bamboo to start to sprout, till you start to see the little leaves of it. So that’s the idea of planting and growing, say, a plant, and in this case, a sunflower. So now let us stepping closer so you can see me. And it’s the same kind of idea as the idea.

So you know, think about how many ideas may have popped into your head, right? Your mind is like your garden, and you’re not going to plant every idea that comes into your mind. But you– so you’re gonna pick and choose the ideas that you will like, for the idea to grow and become fruitatious. So you have the idea. And you plant the idea that you want in your mind, which is in this case, your garden. And then you start to do all the necessary actions, strategies, whatever it might be, to help the idea grow and become a reality. And in some cases, you might do everything correct and do all the necessary steps. But the idea might be very small, or it may not come into reality. It’s up to you whether or not you want to share your ideas. And just knowing that, in some cases, when you share an idea, you’re going to get feedback. And some of those feedback might be negative. And some of those feedback might be positive, as well as– as you’re doing the process of making your reality or making your idea become a reality. Then you’re also receiving feedback of what’s working and not working at the same time.

So as you are working through the process of the idea, and you’re gaining these feedback, sometimes because the feedback might be negative, just, you know, to help to think about it as I did, you know, brainstorming and everything. And that aspect, don’t try to put all of the process and everything into a negative pot, where then you just say, “Well, I’m just gonna give up on this idea, because obviously, it’s not going to work,” right? So if you’re aware of like the three monkeys where they have like, “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” I like to use that same type of concept or that– those tips into sharing your idea. And again, whether or not you share your idea to others, you are still always gaining feedback as you’re working through the process. And just realize that some of the steps you do may not help with the idea of becoming a reality. However, that doesn’t mean it’s a stupid step, or that you have a stupid idea. So think of all your ideas as brainstorming. And don’t think of it as you know, “oh, this is a stupid or idiotic idea.” So this is where I like to say when– when it comes to ideas, there are the idea of see no stupid, hear no stupid and speak no stupid, right? I like to say all ideas are just brainstorming. There are no stupid ideas, there might be some ideas that are a bit risky and a bit dangerous. However, if you ask the right questions, you might be able to then counteract and figure out what the safety measures might be.

But if the idea doesn’t come into reality at all, it was never the fact that the idea was stupid. It might just be the fact that, in this case, the idea just was not meant for you. And perhaps a new idea comes along, and is a better one. So again, with any ideas with any planning process, again, it’s come with a mindset that it’s all brainstorming. It’s not about hearing stupid, speaking stupid or seeing stupid. There’s no– again, no such thing as stupid ideas. No such thing as hearing stupid ideas, and no such thing as seeing stupid ideas. It’s all about feedback and working through it. So whatever you can do to help the idea become a reality. And if we can all do that cooperatively, think of how many ideas we can get out there that would benefit others and yourself. And again, if there’s some danger involved or risk involved, well, these are certainly the time to ask some questions, so that you can figure out a way of making it safer.

So I hope you found this to be helpful. Please feel free to share any of your suggestions regarding to sharing your ideas, would love to hear any comments or suggestions that you have. All I ask is that you be respectful, kind and supportive.

If you would like to know more about me and what I do, please feel free to visit my website at Grace, that’s And I look forward to seeing you here again next time at Sensitive Communication Tips. Bye for now. Take care!

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