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GraceSOULutions COMMUNICATES… Attention

Are You Certain Beyond A Doubt That You Have The Person’s Attention When You Deliver Your Message?

What ways are you certain that you have the person’s attention before sharing your message in your conversation?

What are some ways the person you are communicating with can gain your attention before sharing his or her message with you?

Have you ever found yourself in the following situation…

You’re sharing an important message while the person you are talking to is deeply focused on their television program.

Have you ever communicated to that person while you’re both in different rooms?

How about trying to share an important message during the morning rush?

If yes, then you most likely also have encountered communication breakdowns during these situations.

While you might have something important to say during the TV program, the person who is engrossed in the program might respond with ‘yes’ or ‘okay’ to shush you so that they can quickly listen and immediately continue watching their program.

Unless you both have super-duper hearing, words and messages can be missed which can cause misunderstandings and frustrations.

You might have an important message to pass on in the morning, but let’s be honest, neither of you are really interested because you just want to make sure you arrive at work on time and you’re thinking of your to-do list once you arrive at your workplace.

So, you’re probably think by now…what can I do to avoid or reduce communication breakdown due to lack of attention?

Glad you asked.

Here are some suggestions…

If you have an important message to share while they’re watching a television program you can either wait for it to finish or you can call the person’s name, mute the tv, and share your message. Depending on the program, the person may not be too happy if you mute the TV so you can also write it down, so you don’t forget and share it afterwards.

If you are in separate rooms either you actively walk to the person you want to talk to, or the person comes to you, so you don’t have to try to hear the words or messages through the wall. This way you can clearly hear each other’s words and messages in your conversation.

As for the morning rush, try to avoid sharing any important messages during that time. Try to share important messages at night when there is time or wake up early, so you have 10-15 minutes to spare to share any important messages in the morning.

Here are a couple of tips. These two tips might help you and the person you are communicating with to make sure that the message has been received and understood in your communication.

Tip #1 Repeat or Paraphrase

This will help both parties involved in the communication to know that the message was received and understood.

Tip #2 Clarify and Repeat or Paraphrase back (if needed)

If any information that was incorrect or unclear, this will give the person sharing the information to clarify and the person receiving the message to repeat or paraphrase back to make sure that all the messages received are clear and understood.

The next time you are in a communication situation, and you want to deliver your message with proper attention with the person you are communicating with, just remember these two tips:

Tip #1 Repeat or Paraphrase

Tip #2 Clarify and Repeat or Paraphrase back (if needed)

If you are driven to communicate with confidence, have your messages, be heard and understood, and repair any communication breakdown in your personal communication relationship, then you should take a look at my ebook 5 Strategies For Effective Companion Communication! Grab your free copy by signing up below:

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu
Communication Navigator


Grace CW Liu believes there is a solution to every problem including communication and conversation problems. Everyone can find the solution they seek by using the guidance of grace that is in you, with the grace of spiritual support, and Grace –me– as your Communication Navigator and support system.

My passion is to help sensitive, conflict-phobic, and introverted women have effective communication so they feel valued and heard in any conversation.

Through studying and observations, I’ve realized why communication breakdown occurs and the solutions to solving those problems. I’ve presented these solutions so that communicative partners can achieve effective communication!

Attention | Sensitive Communication Tips

Hi there, this is Grace and welcome to Sensitive Communication Tips.

Before we get into today’s topic, I want to do another quick review of what each of the letter stands for in the word COMMUNICATES that we have discussed so far in the videos. So the letter C in the word communicates stands for Confidence. The letter O stands for Opinion, the letter M stands for Messages, the letter M stands for Monitor feelings, the letter U stands for Uncovering misunderstandings, the letter N stands for Nurture feelings, the letter I stands for Ideas, the letter C stands for Cherish relationships, and then the letter A, which is what we’re gonna be talking about is Attention.

So let me ask you this, how many of you that are watching this video, have a habit of either giving the directions or asking a question, while the person you are speaking to is doing something else? And that could be watching TV, doing chores, getting ready to do cooking or getting ready for work or getting ready to do whatever it is to prepare for that day’s activity, or the next day’s activity, or you guys are in two separate rooms in the house. So you could be in the kitchen, the other person could be, say, in the bedroom, or you could be upstairs and the other person is downstairs.

Whatever it is, how many of you have actually talked to somebody asking them a question or giving them some directions while that person is not fully engaged? In other words, you really don’t have that person’s attention. Because if you had that person’s attention, that means that they’re looking at you, they’re focused on you and what you are saying to them or asking them.

So, if you have the habit, and many of us do, including me, we sometimes forget and we are just engrossed, in what we need to do. And so we might give the directions, or we might ask a question to that person without fully having that person’s attention. And then later on, when we ask them, did you do this or you get a response that doesn’t relate to your question, then we become upset at that person, when in reality, it really isn’t that other person’s fault, because we never had their attention.

So if you want to make sure that you have that person’s attention, then either one, wait until that person was finish watching their TV or whatever they are doing. Because a lot of the times when you’re telling them something like please remember to do X,Y and Z. So just take out the chicken out of the freezer. Or remember to pick up the groceries, whatever the items might be. And the person because they’re so engrossed in their program or engrossed in their activity. They just want to kind of get rid of you as soon as possible. So they’re like kind of waving you off going, “yeah,yeah, I got it, I got it, okay!” You know, so that they can kind of go back to their program. And so a little later on, you come home, like say, you know, a few hours later, and you see that the chicken is still in the freezer. And you ask them, “Didn’t I tell you to take the chicken out of the freezer?” And they might give you a look like, “Oh, I heard something about that, but I wasn’t really paying attention.” And, um, or they might say, “No, I didn’t hear you say anything about that.” And it’s like, yeah, I told you and– and they’re like, “Well, I didn’t hear you.” And it’s true, like, they probably didn’t, because again, they were engrossed in their own program.

So yes, communication, not only just words and body language and all of that. Part of good communication, having effective communication, is also making sure that you have that person’s attention. And you can do that by either turning off the TV, or muting the TV sound, so that way you can call their name, then you now have their attention. And, and you can now say to them, I need you to do this or ask them the question. So you get the correct response that you’re looking for.

If you’re in separate rooms or are upstairs, downstairs, whatever it is, either walk to that person, or call that person so that they are coming towards where you are located, so that you can properly discuss with them what it is that you need. The other is, so perhaps during the morning rush, you’re getting yourself ready or the kids ready. Everybody’s just getting themselves ready in the morning. And so you might have been on the past by saying “Oh, don’t forget to do X,Y and Z.” And the person is like, “okay,” and then grabs their keys and out the door they go.

So one of the things that you can do is before you let that person grab their keys and go, just say, “repeat back what I just said.” So one, you can get a quick clarity that they actually heard. And when you also get the repeat back, you also can make sure that they got not only the clarity, but everything that you had mentioned, or they can paraphrase. So at least this way, it not only gives you a peace of mind that yes, they got your message, but it also reinforces what the person has to do. Because now they got the focus back again, because they got clear. And they also know– it also reinforces that memory of what they need to do. So during a morning rush, it’s always good, just not to let the person leave, just say “Hey, real quick, tell me real quick, what I just said,” you know, and “I don’t have time,” “just real quick,” you know, a word or two, whatever it is, like, you know, “you said pick up dry cleaning to that person, don’t forget to pick up the dry cleaning” all the person says “Okay, pick up dry cleaning,” or they could just say “dry cleaners.” Sufficient. You know that you need to do something with a dry cleaner, something of that sort. So again, one, they are clear, you heard, you know, they heard you clearly, as well as reinforcing some of their memory of what they need to do after work or whatever it is, because now it brought back the focus, and helps them to remember what it is that needs to be done.

So that is one of the tips for Attention as far as during the morning rush. Clarity, and repeat or paraphrase. Now I– the tips for Attention itself is making sure that you Mute the TV or turn off the TV and the person is watching TV. So you’re limiting distractions that could be the radio, whatever it is that you’re calling that person’s name, they’re looking at you, you got their focus. The other is making sure you guys are in the Same Room. So either you go to them, you call them so that you bring them to you. So you guys are located in the same room, so you got the attention. So because if you don’t have their attention, there’s not going to be communication, you’re going to have what we call then the communication breakdown. Because you don’t have that person’s attention. And communication starts, especially when speaking to another person or to a group, you need to have that person or the group’s attention and their focus.

So, I hope you found these tips to be helpful. Feel free to share any comments. And again, if I only ask that if you do share any comments or suggestions that you’d be kind, supportive, and respectful. If you would like to learn more about how you can create and develop more of an effective and effortless communication in your own personal communication relationship, please feel free to visit my website at That’s to see how you can book a free Communication Breakthrough session with me. Thank you for being here. I look forward to seeing you here again next time.

Take care, bye for now.

Deep Dive on Cherishing Relationships | Sensitive Communication Tips

Hi there, this is Grace, and welcome to Sensitive Communication Tips.

So, in today’s video, we are going to do a Deep Dive on Cherishing Relationships in your communication. A couple of weeks ago, I gave you some tips on cherishing relationship and your communication.

So just a quick recap, I invited you to take on that “you are 100% responsible in your relationship,” and in this case in your communication. And I also then gave you my take on cherishing relationship using the acronym WORDS. So today we’re going to talk a little bit more about what WORDS stand for.

So real quick, the letter W stands for Wisdom. And what I think about it is that, you know, words have power. So, there’s two ways you can think about wisdom; using your words wisely, since words have power, or using your wisdom, to share, to educate, with other people, so that everybody can get the benefit from your wisdom. So that’s my take on the word wisdom there. Again, words have power, so knowing what words to use. So again, using your words wisely, and then also wisdom, you have plenty of wisdom. So, you know, be sure to share and educate others with your wisdom, so that everybody can get the benefit.

Now, the letter O, for me means Open, and I left it open, because depending upon the situation, or the person you’re speaking with, there– you might need to be willing just to be open, open minded, or open to just to listen, again, not respond and not react, but just to listen. Be open just to listen to the to the person all the way through before, perhaps, sharing your opinion. So again, open, open to opinions. So, O can also be Observation, you observe the situation. And then you can decide how you want to proceed. And the communication based on the observation you made. So O, it’s just Open, again, is just open minded. It can be open to listening, it can be open to opinions, and it can be O, for observation.

And then R means Responsibility. And again, it means to be willing to take on that you are 100% responsible in your relationship, and in your relationship to how you communicate to yourself and in the relationship in how you communicate with others. So, if everyone is willing to take on that responsibility, then perhaps the communication then can move forward in more of a constructive way, as a learning opportunity rather than a destructive way. So, we want the communication to be constructive. So, if everyone is willing to take on that each person is 100% responsible in the relationship, including communication, then that means that each person is willing to do what it takes in the communication, whether it’s compromise, whether it’s just to listen or to just be there, whatever it is, so that the communication can be constructive.

And then the letter D for WORDS stands for Deliberate. That means be mindful of the words you are saying. Be mindful of your facial expression, body language, tone of voice that you are using in your communication. Be deliberate so that the person can understand what it is that you are communicating to them. So again, be mindful. That’s being deliberate, when you’re being mindful you are being deliberate in your delivery by their words. Your tone of voice body language facial expressions.

And then S, the letter S in WORDS stands for Speak. So many times, and myself included, sometimes, you know, we might tend to speak at the person rather than to the person. So, you know, let’s speak to the person and not at the person. That means not speaking behind the person’s back, not speaking on top of the other person by interrupting them, not letting them finish. So, let’s learn all together, every one of us, myself included, to speak to each other and not at each other. So that’s my take on how to cherish relationships, and communication. If you would like to learn more about how you can create and develop more of a effortless effective communication in your personal communication, then please feel free to visit my website,

That’s  to see how you can book a free Communication Breakthrough Session with me. I look forward to seeing you here again next time. Thank you for being here. Take care. And if there are any tips or suggestions you would like to share, please feel free to do so I only ask that you when you’re sharing or posting or commenting that it is respectful, kind and supportive.

And so thank you for being here. Take care. Bye for now!

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