Find Your Unique Communication Style


What are some ideas that have sparked in your mind?

What ideas that you have or have not openly shared?

What are great ideas that you have recently come up with?

Why do you choose to share or not share your ideas?

In one of my previous blogs articles, I mentioned talking about and sharing opinions.

You might be asking what is the difference between opinions and ideas?

In my view, opinions are about topics that can have many different viewpoints that can be debated. Whereas ideas are about brainstorming and coming up with different options or solutions to solve a problem.

Sometimes you are willing to share your ideas and sometimes you might not feel so comfortable in sharing.

Why is that?

Is it due to fear? Fear that people might think your idea is stupid? Maybe that you think your idea is stupid?

Here’s the thing: there are no stupid ideas!

Think about all the inventions and activities that we now have. I am sure at one point someone thought that these ideas were stupid. However, many of the stupid ideas have been lucrative.

Need some examples or proof that there is no such thing as a stupid idea?!

Bungee jumping.

Who came up with the idea of bungee jumping? Who thought that it would be a good idea to tie your feet together with a big rubber band (elastic cord), jump over a great height so you can bounce back up, and keep bouncing up and down until all the kinetic energy dissipates?

Doesn’t that activity sound dangerous? It doesn’t seem like such a good idea when it comes to life and safety, and might you even say: stupid? But it can’t be all that stupid when you think about it.

And yet…There are people who are willing to pay to bungee jump and you can practically find a place that offers bungee jumping no matter where you live.


Who needed electricity when there were candles? People used candles to help them to see in the dark and they had animals such as horses to help them with large machinery.

Thomas Edison thought it would be a great idea to invent the light bulb and early electricity. I am sure there were many people during his lifetime that thought he was stupid for wanting to invent the light bulb when they already had tools to help them to see and do their daily chores.

And yet…look at us today! Where would we be if it wasn’t for Thomas Edison? I don’t know about you, but whenever my power goes out, I realize all things I can’t do and how much electricity is needed.

What I wanted to show you with these examples is that there are no stupid ideas. I am sure at one point these ideas were perceived as stupid and yet here they are for people to enjoy.

Of course, whether you choose to share your ideas is up to you. However, don’t let the fear of thinking that your idea might be stupid prevent you from sharing your idea.

Here are three tips that that might help you to feel comfortable with sharing your ideas in your communication:


Tip #1 See No Stupid: There are no stupid ideas (maybe some dangerous ideas or think twice ideas and yeah it didn’t work out ideas, but with some tweaking it could or did work ideas)

Some ideas may not work, but that doesn’t mean it was a stupid idea.

Tip #2 Speak No Stupid: Someone might have said ‘that’s stupid’, and yet…

At one point someone might have thought that an idea was stupid; however, think of how many of those stupid ideas came to fruition and became very lucrative.

Tip #3 Hear No Stupid: Sharing ideas is brainstorming

Sharing ideas simply means that you are brainstorming and coming up different options and solutions to solve a problem. When you brainstorm you are allowing the ideas to flow without judgement until there is no more to share.

The next time you are in a communication situation, and you want to share your ideas in that communication context, just remember these three tips: See, Speak, Hear No Stupid.

Tip #1 See No Stupid

Tip #2 Speak No Stupid

Tip #3 Hear No Stupid

If you are driven to communicate with confidence, have your messages, be heard and understood, and repair any communication breakdown in your personal communication relationship, then you should take a look at my ebook 5 Strategies For Effective Companion Communication! Grab your free copy by signing up below:

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu
Communication Navigator


Grace CW Liu believes there is a solution to every problem including communication and conversation problems. Everyone can find the solution they seek by using the guidance of grace that is in you, with the grace of spiritual support, and Grace –me– as your Communication Navigator and support system.

My passion is to help sensitive, conflict-phobic, and introverted women have effective communication so they feel valued and heard in any conversation.

Through studying and observations, I’ve realized why communication breakdown occurs and the solutions to solving those problems. I’ve presented these solutions so that communicative partners can achieve effective communication!

Deep Dive on Nurture Feelings | Sensitive Communication Tips

Hi, this is Grace and welcome to Sensitive Communication Tips.

So today’s video is a deep dive on nurturing feelings. Nurturing feelings of how you talk to yourself, as well as how you talk to others. In the last video, I gave you the acronym, GENTLE, which are each of the tips to help you to nurture the feelings, whether it be you talking to yourself or towards others.

And so some of the tips in the word GENTLE are self explanatory. So for example, G means be Gracious, be kind. So we have a lot of vocabulary words, and you are well aware that some vocabulary words are positive, promote good positive feeling, where other words may promote more of a negative feelings. However are those words are also necessary. But if you use them in a constructive way, a can be used more in a positive messaging, and which nurtures good feelings, whether it be you talking to yourself or to others.

So that leads to Expression in the word GENTLE, expression. Again, in the last video, I talked about how you can use it in a constructive way, rather than in a destructive way. So again, you know, a destructive way might be like, “oh, gosh, I’m such an idiot,” or I, or “oh, gosh, you’re such an idiot for making that mistake.” So again, not helpful, but in a constructive way, you can express your thoughts feelings, again, but in a nurturing way, where it’s constructive. So you might say, you know, “oh, you know, I made this mistake, because I was multitasking, I know better, I, you know, should just focus on one task, take my time with this. And then this would not have happened.” Or talking to another person, you could say, you know, “next time, just focus on this.” And then once when you finish this, then go ahead and work on this. Or, also double check your answer or something. So that it is in a constructive, it’s still firm, not overly aggressive, and known of the real words, that would make the person feel bad.

And then the next step was N, for Nourish, and it means to nourish your mind, body, spirit. So you know, if your mind, body, and spirit is healthy, by you know, having good positive thoughts, feeding your body with good nutritious food, getting plenty of rest and exercise, then you’re going to have a good mind, body, spirit balance, which is going to help reduce stress. Because a lot of times the reason we blow up, and we forget about using good calm voice or positive words, or all of that is because usually if we’re under stress, or we’re feeling overwhelmed, we just want to blow up. So if we are well nourished, in our thoughts, and our body, and our spirit, then we are going to be able to reduce the stress, which will also help us to be more calm, and you know, to talk more positively, more constructive way towards ourselves, as well as towards others.

And then T* I talked about Timeout. So again, pretty self explanatory, you know, just taking nice, deep breaths, to step away from situations at times, because a lot of the times if you’re going to push, push, push, push, push, it’s like pushing against a brick wall, it’s never going to move. So sometimes if you just take some nice deep breaths, you’re getting the, you know, oxygen to the brain. And you’re also able then to calm down, and you might be able to see things differently. And so instead of pushing against the wall, you might see an opening, where you can walk around the wall and get to the other side. And that might be having the other person see your point of view, or it might be you realizing it’s not so important if that person doesn’t see our point of view, as long as we know what we’re doing and what we’re thinking. And so we might just say, “You know what, this might not be worth the argument.” So, taking time out, just again, stepping away, taking some deep, some nice deep breaths will help.

And then L. I mentioned in the last video, it’s about Looking after yourself. And I mentioned that sometimes it is hard to take care of yourself with the tendencies that you would like to take care of others before you take care of yourself. So you put yourself on the back burner. But a lot of the times in order to take care of other people, you have to take care of yourself first, right? If you’re not healthy, then there’s no way that you can take care of another person when you’re not feeling well. So you need to feel well and energetic so that you have that energy to put in and taking care of others. So it’s not selfish, like I mentioned before, it’s not selfish to do self care on your own– on you first. And so and then making sure that when you’re taken care of then taking care of others, by making sure you’re nurturing good communication, the constructive words, whatever it be, so it is in a– moving in a positive direction, so it’s nurtured.

And then E, I mentioned, the last one is to Empower yourself, and Empower others. And you can empower yourself and others by just accepting and acknowledging. And without the judgment of being right or wrong, there’s no right or wrong, everybody has their opinions, and might be different from yours, your viewpoint might be different from another person. And it’s ok because we are an individual. And so we don’t have to think like the other person. And nor do we– we can speak our thoughts. But we don’t have to force the other person to think the way we do. Because everybody has a free will. That means a freedom to choose. And so nobody should take away that freedom, that free will of choice.

So that’s the whole tip. And I know I did some review, again, on the tips for the nurturing feelings. And a lot of the times you might be very critical of you know what you did, you might criti– it’s easy to criticize yourself. And it’s very easy to criticize others, I get it, you know. But with practice, and you know, with using the GENTLE tips that I have provided, remembering the word GENTLE, and going through each of those tips will help to quiet some of that criticism, quiet some of that negative thoughts, that is not constructive. That is not useful. And so we want to nurture feelings in communication, where it is useful. So hopefully, the GENTLE tips will help you to achieve that. So that’s today’s video, it’s all about using the GENTLE tips to nurture feelings. I hope the deep dive helped you to not only, again, receive the review, but also see how the tips can really benefit when nurturing your feelings. Not only when you’re talking to yourself, but also when you’re talking to others to have more of a positive impact that is constructive. And in a way that it can move the conversation forward in a positive way that we’re where you’re able to find the solutions and also when to know to let go so that you’re not again, trying to beat up or push against a wall that is not going to move. So again, I hope you found this to be helpful.

And if you would like to know more about how you can work with me on having an effortless effective communication; Visit my website That’s to see how you can book a free Communication Breakthrough Session. And I look forward to seeing you here again next time.

Thank you for being here and have a great day! Take care, bye!

Nurture Feelings | Sensitive Communication Tips

Hi there, this is Grace, and welcome to Sensitive Communication Tips.

So I just want to do a quick review, because we’re already on the sixth part of COMMUNICATES. So, like I said, in the very beginning of the year that the word COMMUNICATES are broken into different parts.

So just a quick review. So the letter C and COMMUNICATES means Confidence, the O means Opinions, the M, the first M, is Messages or hidden Messages. The second M in COMMUNICATES is Monitor feelings, and then the U is Uncover misunderstandings, and then today for our topic, in COMMUNICATES it’s the N, which means Nurturing feelings. So, you might be asking,

Well, what is the difference between monitor feelings and nurturing feelings? Well, monitoring feelings is when you just realize that, hey, the conversation, there’s something kind of off or the mood had changed, or the feelings in the conversation might have changed. Nurturing feelings in communication, is making sure that you’re saying the kind words, that is, nurturing in a positive way as much as possible. Or if there is a disagreement, then the words that are spoken are in a constructive manner, so that we’re nurturing the conversation in a more positive, constructive way, rather than in a destructive way.

So for the tips that I like to use for nurturing feelings, to make sure that the feelings and the conver– in the conversation are being nurtured, is what I like to use the acronym GENTLE. So if you think about each of the words in GENTLE this might help you to be more constructive, not only to yourself, towards yourself, but towards others, when you’re nurturing conversations and nurturing the feelings in conversations.

So the first letter, the G, for GENTLE means Gracious. So being gracious, just simply means be kind. Use kind words, be kind to yourself and towards others, rather than in a critical or criticizing tone or words. So use kind words, and a constructive tone of voice, when need be, because sometimes not all situations, we can use an uplifting tone. However, we can still be gracious in a disagreement, if we use a constructive tone, direct, fair, but not overly aggressive. So the E, in the word, GENTLE means Expression. So what we mean by that is, even if you have a disagreement, or you felt you did something and you made a mistake, you can still use nice constructive words, to express yourself. And then the N in the word GENTLE means Nourish. Nourish your self, and with others, through use of good thoughts, good words, and nourish yourself so that you can reduce the stress. Because a lot of the times when we get aggressive, or we get sometimes into more of aggression, it’s because maybe perhaps we’re under stress. So we can nourish our mind and nourish our body that will help to reduce the stress, which will then nourish good feelings in a conversation. And then T, Timeout. Sometimes we just might need to just take a timeout, you know, step away from the situation from the conversation, or just take some nice deep breaths, collect our thoughts before continuing on. So that way we can stop ourselves, pause, rather than continue on and on with the argument. It should be if we have a disagreement. And then L means Look after yourself, and then Look after others. So it’s okay to you know, take care of yourself first before taking care of others. You know a lot of us tend to take care of others before taking care of ourselves. However, if you think of it this way, if you are not taken care of, then you won’t be able to take care of others. So it’s okay to take care of yourself first, through good self care, before taking care of others, weighing, you know, as much as you can, and then E for the word GENTLE means Empower. Empower yourself and others. So accept and acknowledge that there are going to be different viewpoints. And that that’s okay, and you can do so without the judgment of it being right or wrong. You know, you can just accept that and acknowledge another person’s point of view that might differ from yours. But you don’t necessarily have to put a judgement of it being right or wrong. And that will help to empower yourself, as well as others because you’re still standing your ground. But you’re also empowering others to say, you’re allowed to have your viewpoint. We might disagree, however, there’s no judgment of I being right or your being right, or I’m wrong, or you’re wrong. There’s none of that. It’s just we’re empowering each other, to allow each of us to speak our viewpoint.

So– So if you think of the word GENTLE, this will help you through the steps through the tips, nurturing your own feelings, and nurturing other people’s feelings that you’re speaking to end with during your conversation. And a lot of the times we’re also speaking to ourselves. And so again, remember gentle when speaking to yourself, especially when you make a mistake. It’s very– it’s very easy to be hypercritical of ourselves. But if we just remember to be gentle, that will also help to nurture the feelings when we speak to ourselves as well.

So I hope you found these tips to be helpful. If you would like to know more about how you can work with me to work with your communication, so that you can express your thoughts, feelings and desires without feeling overwhelmed, overshadowed or being overlooked. Then visit my website That’s to see how you can book a free communication breakthrough session with me. And I look forward to seeing you here again next time at Sensitive Communication Tips. Thank you for being here. Have a great day.

See you next time. Take care. Bye!

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