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Monitoring Feelings | Sensitive Communication Tips

Hi there, this is Grace, and welcome to Sensitive Communication Tips.

So today, it’s all about Monitoring Feelings. So the tips I’m going to provide to you today is all about monitoring feelings. Have you ever encountered a situation where you might be talking to a person or to a group of people, and all of a sudden, somebody had said something, or you said something, or the person said something and all of a sudden the communication, the situation shifted from maybe perhaps a happy, pleasant, relaxed mood, all of a sudden, something has been said, and the person, either you or the other person or group of people, are reacting? And that has now shifted the conversation, the mood of the conversation.

So today, what I would like to do is provide you four tips on how to monitor feelings, because after all, some of us are really good at monitoring feelings, right? In a conversation, where we see something has shifted, and we can sense the feeling, perhaps that the mood of the conversation has now changed. And some of us are, might not be really good at looking at the mood or monitoring feelings of this conversation, we might just continue on, we might sense something but we just continue on as, while the person or a group of people might be reacting. And so the mood is now getting more perhaps deeper into that negative feeling. And the person is not quite aware of it. And so it just continues on into a more snowball effect until things maybe perhaps blow up.

So four tips on how to monitor feelings, and actually, I put it into the acronym MOOD, because after all, when we are monitoring feelings, we are talking about the mood of the conversation. So that’s why I thought well, we can use the acronym MOOD to help us to monitor feelings.

Alright, so starting with the letter M, which stands for movement. So perhaps if you become observe it you can look at the person’s body, or perhaps whoever you’re speaking to, you know, is it a person or to a group, look at the body movements, you know, was it relaxed, and everything, and all of a sudden, somehow, some people’s body movement now are becoming more rigid? Or was that somebody, it was a very serious conversation, everybody was really rigid, and somebody made a comment that made everybody laugh, to help everybody to relax. So we can change the mood. And we can sense the mood changing by looking at the body movement, either from relaxed to rigid, or perhaps in a situation rigid to relaxed. Alright, so that’s M.

Now with the letter O, one of the letters for O is , Oh, the look. So that would be eye contact. So perhaps, you know, everybody was really engaged in what the topic was, the person is speaking there, you know, and you’re engaged with them. So eye contact is great. All of a sudden, somebody says something. And either the eye contact could be from relaxed to a glare. Or it could be that they’re now withdrawing. And so now they’re going to look away, because now they may, perhaps they’re reacting or not comfortable anymore of what was being said. So now instead of looking and staying engaged, perhaps now they’re looking away. So eye contact can also be an indicator, perhaps of a mood change.

The second O: Oh, the face. Again, facial expression. You know, perhaps a person had a relaxed look on their face. And now all of a sudden, they might react to what was being said, and now they would have a stern look. And perhaps, it could be the other way around. The person said something and you reacting to it, you might go from a smile relaxed face, all of a sudden to a very stern, straight face. So looking at the facial expression, the muscles on the face, can be an indicator of a shift in the mood of the conversation of the feeling and the conversation of what is being discussed.

What is being shared, and then D: declaration of the tone of the voice. So perhaps a person had a light tone had a pleasant tone had a calming tone. And now all of a sudden, their tone of voice might be a little bit more serious. Or they might say, Okay, this is what I think so or perhaps it was very serious. And again, to lighten up the mood, the person might kind of jokingly say something like, “Well, you know, it could be like this.” And then that helps to bring other people to be in a more lighthearted moment in that conversation as well.

So, again, somehow, sometimes when we’re engaging in conversation, the mood of the conversation can change, depending upon how the person is reacting, or perhaps how you are reacting to the information that’s being shared.

And sometimes we can detect the mood of the conversation being changed by using these four tips to monitor feelings, and that is Movement, Oh the eyes, Oh the face for the facial expression, and then D, the Declaration of tone of voice that’s being used. And then we can, once we are aware of the mood of the conversation, how it’s being changed, we can try and we can attempt to redirect it so that it doesn’t snowball into something that gets worse, that we can adjust so that the conversation can still continue to flow in an effortless and effective way.

So I hope this helped. If you found the tips to be helpful, please feel free to visit my website that’s to see how you can book a Communication Breakthrough Session with me so I can help you to have more of a– an effective and effortless communication with whoever you’re speaking to and whatever situation you are speaking and thank you for being here. I look forward to seeing her again next time.

Take care, bye for now!

If you are driven to communicate with confidence, have your messages, be heard and understood, and repair any communication breakdown in your personal communication relationship, then Contact me here and I’ll get you started on the right path.

Warm regards,
Grace CW Liu
Communication Navigator


Grace CW Liu believes there is a solution to every problem including communication and conversation problems. Everyone can find the solution they seek by using the guidance of grace that is in you, with the grace of spiritual support, and Grace –me– as your Communication Navigator and support system.

My passion is to help sensitive, conflict-phobic, and introverted women have effective communication so they feel valued and heard in any conversation.

Through studying and observations, I’ve realized why communication breakdown occurs and the solutions to solving those problems. I’ve presented these solutions so that communicative partners can achieve effective communication!