Find Your Unique Communication Style

Deep Dive on Style | Sensitive Communication Tips

Hi there, this is Grace, and welcome to Sensitive Communication Tips.

So in the previous video, I went through the acronym COMMUNICATES. So all the necessary components in the word communicates what each of those letters represent in the word communicates all the components that is necessary to have an effortless and effective communication. So be sure to check that out.

All right, now we’re going to do a Deep Dive on the four communication styles. And again, the four communication styles are auditory, visual, kinesthetic, and auditory digital. So my question to you is, do you know your communication style?

So I’m going to just choose one. So for example, let’s say you are an auditory communicator. And so you might use words such as hear, listen, or the phrase “I hear you, I’m listening to what you’re saying.” Now, if you’re speaking to another auditory person– communicator– you’re going to use the same words, so there’s not going to be any feeling of disconnect. However, what if you are speaking to a visual or a kinesthetic or auditory digital communicator? Now you’re going to maybe feel there’s some disconnect, because you are not using the words that an visual, kinesthetic, or auditory digital communicator might use.

So I like to use this analogy: Here in America, we all speak English. So it’s kind of like we’re all say, auditory communicators in this case, because we’re all using the same words, the same language, no problem. Now, let’s say you go to visit a foreign country, say Spain, France, Germany, wherever it may be. Now they speak a different language. So think of say, the Spanish are the visuals. The French are the kinesthetic, and the Germans are the auditory digital. So if you were going to visit those countries, it would be easier for you to get around, if you spoke of some of the language of those native speakers. So if you’re going to visit Spain, it will be easier for you to get around if you spoke Spanish. If you went to visit France, it’ll be easier for you to get around if you spoke French. And if you visit Germany, it might be easier for you to get around if you spoke German. Now, of course, they might all speak English, however, you might have more of a connection. And it might be a little bit easier for you to get around if you happen to know the country’s native language.

And is the same way with the visuals and the kinesthetic and the auditory digital. If you use the words of what the visual would use– So let’s say, you know, if you use the visuals, vocabulary, such as “Oh, I imagine that this is what you’re speaking about,”or “I can see your point of view,” then you’re going to have more of a connection there rather than a disconnect. And likewise, with the kinesthetic you know, you might, even you as an auditory communicator tend to use words like hear and listen. But if you’re speaking to someone who is more of a kinesthetic communicator, then you might want to change your words to “oh, I sense that this is what you’re telling me” or “I feel like this is what all you’re trying to get at.” And then with the auditory digital, you might use words such as “I think you’re correct on this,” or “let’s analyze the data then.” So by using the words or the phrases of the other communicators that you’re talking to, now you’re going to create more of a connection, rather than a disconnect. And it’s also important, likewise, the people that you communicate with, if they happen to know your communication style, so that way they are using the words that you tend to use. So again, we’re trying to create more of a connection, rather than having that disconnection.

So knowing your communication style, and the people that you’re speaking with, their communication style, is going to help to create more of that effective and effortless communication in your personal communication.

So I hope you found the four communication styles to be helpful and how you can figure out your communication styles as well as the person you’re communicating with, so you have more of that connection. And if you would like to know more about how you can have that effortless and effective communication, then please visit my website that’s to see how you can book a free communication breakthrough session with me.

Thank you for being here. Take care. Bye for now!

Style | Sensitive Communication Tips

Hi there, this is Grace, and welcome to Sensitive Communication Tips.

So before I jump into today’s topic, I want to do a quick review of all the letters in the word COMMUNICATES.

So I use the acronym COMMUNICATES, and took apart each of the letters to represent what is needed– all the components that is needed to have an effective communication. So let’s start with the letter C, and the word communicates.

The letter C stands for confidence. The letter O stands for opinion, the first M in the word communicates, stands for messages, and in this case, hidden messages. The second M in the word communicates, stands for monitor feelings. The letter U stands for understanding, and in this case, uncover misunderstanding. The letter N in the word communicates stands for nurture feelings. The letter I stands for ideas. The letter C in the word communicates stands for cherish relationship. The letter A stands for attention. The letter T stands for tone of voice. The letter E in the word communicates stands for express yourself. And in this case, express yourself in nonverbal communication. And the letter S in the word communicates stands for style.

So usually when we think about style, we’re thinking about fashion, right? Like what do people usually like to wear such as business casual, Boho, jeans and T shirt. But there’s also styles to communication.

Now there are four very common styles of communication, there might be more. So feel free to do your research. However, of the four common basic communication styles are the auditory, visual, kinesthetic and auditory digital.

So auditory communicators tend to hear the words so they might just use words such as hear and listen, where the visual communicator tends to maybe see images. So as you’re talking to a visual communicator, they might start to see images. So they tend to use words such as see picture and image. The kinesthetic is all about touch and feel. So they are going to use words such as touch, feel, and sense. And then the auditory digital tends to be the thinkers. So they will tend to use words such as think, logic, analyze. So those are the four common communication styles, again, auditory visual, kinesthetic, and auditory digital.

And the next video we’re going to do a deep dive of now what are you going to do now that you know these communication styles. So I’ll go more into that in the next video.

So I hope you found this to be helpful. If you would like to create more of an effective and effortless communication in your personal communication, then please visit my website. That’s to see how you can book a free communication session with me. Thank you for being here. I look forward to seeing you here again next time.

Take care, bye for now!

GraceSOULutions COMMUNICATES… STYLE of Communication

Do you know your style of communication?

What is your preferred style of communication?

What is the style of communication of the person or people you communicate with?

Are you able to communicate with people with all different communication styles or do you have difficulty with communicating with people with certain communication styles? Why or why not?

Usually when we talk about style we generally think about clothes.

There are numerous different styles of clothing and generally we tend to pick the styles that goes with our personality or make us feel most comfortable.

There are also communication styles and you’re likely to lean towards a communication style that fits your personality and one that you’re most comfortable with.

Generally speaking, there are four types of communication styles.

There is the auditory, visual, kinesthetic and auditory digital.

The auditory uses words such as listen and hear.

The visual uses words such as see and picture.

The kinesthetic uses words such as touch and feel.

The auditory digital uses words such as think and analyze.

Depending upon your background, culture, your communication teachers (parents, grandparents, family), and so forth there are other factors that may also potentially influence your communication style.

There are too many factors to include in this blog article that might create greater confusion.

So, for now we’re just going to focus on the four communication styles.

Why is it important to know the four communication styles?

Sometimes by using the same words in a communication style as the person you are speaking with may help to establish a better rapport and connection.

By speaking the same words and using the same communication style you might feel like you and the other person are speaking the same language rather than speaking a different language.

By speaking the same language or in this case communication style you can also help reduce or eliminate communication breakdown.

Wouldn’t you like to feel more connected with the person if the person spoke the same words or language as you did rather than his or her own words or language?

Here are four styles of communication:

Style #1 Auditory

Prefers to listen and likes to use words such as hear and listen in communication.

Style #2 Visual

Prefers to read or see images and likes to use words such as see and picture in communication.

Style #3 Kinesthetic

Prefers physical movements and likes to use words such as touch and feel in communication.

Style #4 Auditory Digital

Prefers logic and likes to use words such as think and analyze in communication.

The next time you are in a communication situation, and you want to know the communication style of the person you are communicating with, just remember AVKA .




Auditory Digital

If you are driven to communicate with confidence, have your messages, be heard and understood, and repair any communication breakdown in your personal communication relationship, then you should take a look at my ebook 5 Strategies For Effective Companion Communication! Grab your free copy by signing up below:

Warm regards,

Grace CW Liu
Communication Navigator


Grace CW Liu believes there is a solution to every problem including communication and conversation problems. Everyone can find the solution they seek by using the guidance of grace that is in you, with the grace of spiritual support, and Grace –me– as your Communication Navigator and support system.

My passion is to help sensitive, conflict-phobic, and introverted women have effective communication so they feel valued and heard in any conversation.

Through studying and observations, I’ve realized why communication breakdown occurs and the solutions to solving those problems. I’ve presented these solutions so that communicative partners can achieve effective communication!

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